Welcome to the New Age


Ages come and go leaving naught but memories in their wake. Those memories become legends and slowly fade to myth. In time, even myth is all but forgotten. History repeats, and the myth of yore comes full circle.

We are here. We are now

That which you knew is gone, dust beneath our feet.

Who are you?
Are you a memory of the past?
A legend come to life?
Or a myth of the ages?

The world awaits. Traces of the past linger. Shall they haunt us? Or shall we bravely venture into this new age. The future is what we make it.

Look inside. What matters most? What was worth saving?

What will you be fighting for?

~Lady Silverbane
I fight for adventure, knowledge, and sometimes to just stick my noise places others think i don't belong.
"the shadows have ears and sometimes teeth."
My name iz not my own,
It iz borrowed from my ancestorz,
I must return it unstained, not dirty

My honor iz not my own
It iz on loan from my descendantz
I must give it to them unbroken. It iz our bond.

Our blood iz not our own,
it iz a gift to generationz yet unborn,
We should carry it with responsibility

Thiz iz vhy I do everything I do. That and in vour lands I have a debt to pay to a friend.

Kitaruen Kopanari Stin Svetlo Targoatian

And Raz the shadows do hav teeth, May the Light guide you and the Shadows guard your path.