Well, who be da one dat did it?

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Mun always say dat if he don't show up for suppa it mean someone kill him, 'cause he'd neva miss a good suppa unless he got dead, an' Mun didn' show up for t'ree suppers so far! Dat be more dan enough for me ta say he got dead, so who be da one dat kill Mun, chief of da Thickpelts?

- Doba, da best cook in da Thickpelt Tribe
I am Ragnarok of the Petara, grandson of Hroaldr. I no know who kill Mun but if you let me I will help you find who kill him. I see why Mun no come to dinner make you worry. If you let me I help I love to help put sword in cheif-killers belly. What I do to help? Oh and what tribe you of?

Raggles: Before you get too excited you should know that Mun is chief of a tribe of bugbears.

Doba: Good luck with that.


Mun is fine. We helped him get one of the mist fish and it gave him magic powers. He used them to transport himself to another plane with all the mist fish, and he didn't even pay us for the mist fish!

I thought Doba was tribesman. He sound like one. I still offer help though if he no here to fight us.

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Ragnarok, get the whole story before you go threatening to kill someone. That's a hefty price to offer to pay for a misunderstanding.

Yes teacher. I will do better.

I sorry. I thought you tribesman. It less of matter of defend my people so I may not be able to put my sword in cheif-killers belly but I will still hlep you as long as you no want to attack me or other adventurer.
