Westgate Posting


San Francisco Staff
Here ye, Here ye.

Nobles, warriors, champions of Andar..
I humbly request your attendance for a meet, and council of war against the foes of our kingdom to be held at night after the 10th bell in the Crimson Raven tavern in Westgate.

Information, details shall be made available at the council. For those possessed of initiative please be ready for action at the conclusion of said council.

In acknowledgment of the dedication and sacrifice of the citizenry, populace, and nobles of Westgate and SilverFord, Crown law has been instated for the centers of population. Including the major Towns of Arkenon, Pjerren, and SilverCreek. Martial law still holds sway in the wilds around Westgate proper, and Fort In'aukess.

Private contractors, and unregistered populace please attend fort In'aukess at your earliest availability, preferably with sponsor in tow to avoid unnecessary complications.