Whath of the Liche King


NEPA Staff
Is coming out in a couple weeks, and with the new raid setups it's going to be possible to do all the new raids as either 10-man or 25-man. Any interest in forming a Alliance Larp guild? I know this has been tried in the past, but the reason a lot of people left (myself included) was they wanted to see the raid content. Now it's going to be much easier to do so, and if we get enough people we might even be able to do the 25-man versions. I know a lot of us are on the alliance side of the Argent Dawn server, drop me a PM if intrigued.
-Toddo (AKA Toddo on Argent Dawn)

Argent Dawn, level 61 Rogue Toddo. I need help getting my last nine levels :p If i could ever get the damn time to be online ..stupid jobs.

Oh and hey,

Is Whath anything like Tweason? Dah Highest of Cwimes punishable by Obwiteration?

Y'know..that thing Emilio did.

yep, pick on the guy who can't talk. You heard the message I left for you the other day, do you want that voice whispering "You're covered in slugs...." over and over into your ear as you sleep this weekend?
I can deal with that. Besides, I have the answer to that ...and thats "Covered in Bees!"

And you really -did- sound like the Crypt keeper.

Btw, so long as you don't get me sick, the answer to that question would be sure :) Although I have to get my oil changed and potentially new tires on Saturday, so if you're willing to take a trip...

Already several of my friends who play WOW are drooling over the expansion.

I may not hear from them in a while.

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