whats your fav MMORPG?

Frank Wiccan

just woundering what all your fav MMORPG's are?

Im inbetween then right now but I hate to say (gets ready to duck) SW was mine

i used to be a huge proponet of Dark Ages of Camelot, but stopped when i graduated college for unknown reason. currently, i burn my life playing World of Warcraft (¡locks pwn!). i've heard that the new Conan and Warhammer games are supposed to be pretty sweet
Dark age of Camelot.

I'm expecting that to change to be Warhammer online once it hits stores, (stupid thing is delayed till Fall)
Matter of a fact, I just placed a pre-order for the collectors edition.

Along those lines, anyone else planning on Playing Chaos? We should all pick the same server, I plan on doing the gobby shaman thing myself... :mrgreen:
Mobius said:
i used to be a huge proponet of Dark Ages of Camelot, but stopped when i graduated college for unknown reason. currently, i burn my life playing World of Warcraft (¡locks pwn!). i've heard that the new Conan and Warhammer games are supposed to be pretty sweet

you graduated collage for unknown reasons???
I flunked out becouse of know reasons guess I should have paid less attension then I might have graduated

(my know reason was playing D&D day and night in student center)

I used to play Dark Age of Camelot, but everybody I was friendly with who played stopped, and it got boring (to me the social aspect is the biggest part of an MMORPG).

So now it's World of Warcrack.
WoW. Only one I've played for more than five minutes and haven't gone "bored, next." Cuz my brain keeps having the five year old moment of "oo, pretty..."

The most fun I've had was with City of Heroes. The character creation tool has so many possible variations tht you'll most likely never see anybody else that looks like you. The only downside is that the missions can get a bit repetive. However, replay value is high in that you can choose different contacts and be exposed to different story arcs.

Other than that I've played and enjoyed: EQ, EQ2, DAoC, and WoW

Played and not enjoyed: Auto Assault (beta), LotR Online (beta)
Have played: EQ, DAoC, SWG, EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, Warhammer, AoC, Vanguard.

Enjoyed: EQ, EQ2, SWG, Vanguard.

Still playing: EQ2. Despite the peer pressure and the want to hang out with my Alliance friends in WoW, I can't play the game. It bores me. :( So I play EverQuest 2 - where I met my husband (SONY IS EVIL) and I lead a guild there.

I really liked SWG, I left it to play EQ2 since I am more a fan of romantic fantasy rather than sci-fi. Left before the controversial class changes and combat changes. Recently tried the trial to show the hubby the game and it is still fun, but it lost the original pull since the really cool and fun class tree system has been consolidated and the mytique around are you a jedi or not is sooooo nonexistant. "Oh look... I can start as a jedi now."
Dark Age of Camelot.

Percival Server - Hibernia Realm
50th level RR10 ML 10 CL 10 Firbolg Regrowth Druid
Guild Master of Emerald Dawn and Ex-Guild Master of Du-Mintai

I loved that game I played so much.. all my open slots are now filled with level 50 characters that are all at least RR5
telokh!! what is that second avatar???? with red eyes...it looks precious!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
telokh!! what is that second avatar???? with red eyes...it looks precious!

That's my NJ main, Kalaji. I would have preferred my own blue/hazel eyes but none of the ones they offered looked right on Kalaji. The red ones were a special choice (not actually on the eye list). They also give the look of the black make-up I use around my eyes. Kalaji doesn't wear red, but that garb-style was what I needed for him. Check out the Sarr mask thread for a nice pic of Kalaji.
I played City of heroes for a really long time, but stopped after I did all I could with all the classes...It had an excellant character editer I agree. I also played Vanguard from release day.. untill all my friends that I made quit because of the games problems. I would still be playing if not for that. Left a bad taste in my mouth, and I dont plan on playing another mmo for quite some time.
Tatianna and I have played alot of MMORPGs.

EQ, EQ2, D&D Online, CoH/CoV, WoW, Guild Wars, Vanguard, Ultima Online, & Dungeon Runner

My fav. was CoH/CoV
EQ/DaoC are probably my favorites.

I am currently inactive from my raiding guild on Zul'jin in World of Warcraft due to work, but plan on returning at some point. You can find me there on Braveroar or Bebop.
City of Heroes and City of Villians for me and I love translating Nero characters to it.