where do kin come from?

or a kin and a member of another race, if I'm to understand the rule book correctly

EDIT: I did a quick once-through of the rule book and I didn't find anything specifically pointing toward inter-species breeding it does say this :
"If your character history has your father as an
elf and your mother as a gypsy, that is fine, but
you can only take the attributes of one of those
races. In-game you can tell everyone you’re
“half elf/half gypsy” but out-of-game, you are
one race or the other." (page 38)

I can only assume the same applies to wylderkin
Essentially the most commonly accepted explanation for this is "a wizard did it." (Note: this is a staple excuse in lots of fantasy.)

Wylderkin are thought to be some kind of polymorph between humans and animals wherein both were somehow fused by magic. They come in all different kinds of species and attitudes and from all kinds of different places. They're so wide-spread these days, you can't pinpoint a single area of origin.
Reyn said:
Essentially the most commonly accepted explanation for this is "a wizard did it." (Note: this is a staple excuse in lots of fantasy.)

Wylderkin are thought to be some kind of polymorph between humans and animals wherein both were somehow fused by magic. They come in all different kinds of species and attitudes and from all kinds of different places. They're so wide-spread these days, you can't pinpoint a single area of origin.

Incorrect, a wizard did not do it, don't believe that bearded bugger.

Wylderkin's origins are similar to Elves, Dwarves, or Humans, no one can really be sure, but they are generally seen as naturally occurring. In our particular chapter most kin come from small tribes that generally occupy a nook of the landscape, or come from the plains southwest of Gaden, you can always request plot to place the rough area you come from if you don't have a particular preference.
I always thought it was one of those Don't Ask Don't Tell sort've things >.>
Yea, 'naturally occurring' is a pretty good explanation. I like to think of it like animals that 'changed' and then slowly 'woke up' somewhat like the way they rolled out Dryads when they added those in the new RB.
Really, there's no reason a Wylder couldn't be born from any other race. There are no Punnett's Squares in Fortannis and with magic in the mix, ¿who's to say what's bouncing around in the stork's bundle? With the prevelance of Race Change Rituals, flaws with the same effect, and good old Black-Box Magic, it's likely that the body holding a given spirit was not the body when that spirit was first born. ¿Do offspring follow the body or the Spirit of their parents? Who knows? And, since the ARB is silent on the matter, it's all up to Local plot and player imagination.
Thats it now I need to do a Stork-kin that would have thrown weapons and baby phys reps