Who are you? (new introduction thread)


San Francisco Staff
Hello s.f. alliance

I did not see a self intro/info thread and as a newish player/potential new staff member, I feel it's time to put myself out there and hopefully encourage other players both new and old to speak of them selfs. Consider this your totally unoffical larp roll call.

I am Bobby I've been larping for 6 months but I've been doing Rpging for as long as I can remember. My only character so far is Embrawk Hematite. He is a Twinspire exclusive character.

That's about all I got to say. So feel free to check in I want to know about each and everyone of my fellow alliance members. Don't be shy even a name and a line or two is more than enough.
Hey Bobby! Hey Embrawk!

I'll help get this ball rolling; we'd done a new player intro thread on the old, local forums, but it's a good idea to get one started here.

I'm Tyler; I've been LARPing on and off for around 12 years, gaming for around 20; I've been doing Alliance for 11 of those years, but with a hiatus in the middle after the old SF campaign ended and for the first couple years of the new one. Currently, my only active PC is Longaxe the orc, who most PCs and NPCs have met; those who haven't, I'm looking forward to being loud and green in your general vicinity very soon.
Alright, I'll jump in on this one!

Hi everyone, my name is Jonathan! I play Tzerin here in the SF chapter. I live up in San Francisco and have been larping since this march (non stop) Gaming I have been doing for many many years and roleplaying for a long time. Past that, if you need some big bad monster blown up, just tap me on the shoulder (if it doesn't work... the plan is, CHEESE IT!).
Hello all, I certainly haven't met any of you ever >_>

My name is Alice, I've been LARPing with Alliance for the past year and a half and have since expanded into many other games. Out of game, I'm a nanny in the Bay Area where I've lived for most of my life.

Currently my only character is Theraphosidae (Ther for short) the Tarantulakin, rogue and creepy fuzzy thing extraordinaire. I'm thinking of creating another Twinspire-exclusive character eventually (probably a High Ogre!).
O hai.

I'm Adam, I've been playing Alliance for some number of years on and off (had kind of a "NPC for a year, disappear for 8 months" kinda thing going early on), been boffer fighting for over 25 years but somehow never actually got into a formal LARP until Alliance. I PC in Twinspire (Shay, aka "that guy in the black armor") and will continue to NPC in the New Land.

When not LARPing I live in San Leandro and work as a programmer in Berkeley.