Winter Dream


Like holly berries she thrives in snow
Whirling blade flashing high and low
Voice soft yet strong eyes all aglow
My pounding heart refuse to slow

Stop thief! my heart in tow
No true joy shine in her eyes show
My heart wails high can't let you know
My love for you won't stop to grow

(OOG The above has been found posted in a number of location, clearly written by a few different hands)
Alyce seems to grumble each time she sees one of these notes. You see her pull a paper, nail, and hammer from her shoulder bag and angrily pound it in below each note she finds, cursing as she does. The letters on the paper are clearly written, obviously from the same hand. Should you look closer this is what they say:

Such love as this deserves its tale.
A problem though with unseen trail,
Of whom does such poetry speak
with riddles left in blithe mystique

And who is it who pens the lines
that grip us so with clouded signs?
Speak plainly sir that all might view
your feelings, if indeed they're true.