Winter Expedition - In search of a few more


Chicago Staff

I stumbled upon an interesting discovery a year back, and am looking for a few individuals, roughly 2-4 to take passage on one of my ships with me to explore. I have a few minor requirements that should be considered:

1) You have spare time this Winter to be gone for up to a month (ex. Use of a Primary IGBA).
2) You have skills in a school of magic, no preference to type or skill level.
3) And/or to the #2, you have an interest in ancient cultures.

I can't promise money, or treasure, or fame. I can't promise we'll find anything beneficial to any of our problems. I can promise, Adventure....probably.

A simple anthropologist,

[OOG: If interested send me a PM and I can provide additional details. Aimed at folks that don't have anything specific for their IBGA and want plot of their own to follow.]