WINTER FEAST - Saturday Feb 20th

RiddickDale said:
I'll send it up with a minion. Is that cool?



I'll confirm it with Jaimi this weekend, and one of us will post it.
Winter Feast Address & Times in original post at the top of this string!

Dar Beltaine said:
(As there will be no combat, we will not be issuing tags)
I need my Evades and Dodges in case Heresy tries to force me to drink Gin, again.
Just hand it off to me again. I think I'm the only person in the world who actually enjoys tonic water.
not true.. i love tonic water... so long as there is Gin in it. :D

I know this is ridiculously last minute, as well as kind of out of left field considering my absence from the chapter.

But I'd really really REALLY like to make it to this feast, see some fun people, and be present for the spirit farewell's of Paladar and Wynn.

If anyone can find it in their hearts to help a carless chap from Rhode Island get up to the feast tomorrow, I would be forever in your debt. I can chip in for gas, whatever.

I'll be checking back here pretty fanatically for possible rides, as well as reaching out to some people OOG.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can bring themselves to help me out.

-RyAn "Darius" Holmes
Hit me up on facebook if you have no other takers.