Winter Feast

A number of people have asked me if there will be a Winter Feast this year. In fact, the Feast has always previously been player organized; up till now it was hosted in game by Sir Wynn and out of game by Ben. If anyone wants to pick up the tradition, please feel free to do so. If there is interest in a non-combat day event as the Feast was the last few years, players are encouraged to find a venue and let us know, preferably with plenty of warning.

Other updates:
There is no plot sub deadline yet.
There is no event schedule yet.
There will be winter write up hooks soon, for the three people not going to Imirie.
There will be a Q&A in this thread starting now.
Thanks for the update Dan! :)
Dan Nickname Beshers said:
There will be winter write up hooks soon, for the three people not going to Imirie.

LOL you should just mist those three people into Imirie with everyone else and call it a day :p

PS. I also like food