Winter IBGA's 2015-2016


Hey Everybody!

Many of you have asked about winter actions this year. We will be continuing the tradition of five (5) actions over the winter. All submissions can be sent to

What's an action?

-Going to a location to research something
-Working with the people of a particular town to reach a certain goal
-Practicing your character's craft (whatever that may be)
-Military maneuvers, deployments etc.
-Arranging meetings with NPCs
-Being a sneaky git

When is the deadline?
February 1st.
We want to make sure we have plenty of time to respond/include your shenanigans in the upcoming year (if possible). See below!

Players are welcome to combine actions with friends/teammates.

Things to keep in mind:
  • Be as specific as you can. If you know someone's name, use it. If you want to work at a specific location to do something, tell us where it is. Not "I want to go talk to that guy about a thing." Seriously, give us something to go on, here...
  • Time is still a factor. Yes, winter is long but it's not infinite. You cannot visit every country on the map in six months. Use the player's guide to help you gauge time and decide what you would like get done by spring.
  • Tell us what skills/knowledge/background/connections/assets you have that might be pertinent. Do you know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy? Own a big fancy ship to help you get around? Do you have the Widget of Hooptiness +7? Tell us this stuff. It can impact the outcome of your submission. Please don't assume we know these things.
  • Not every submission will be successful. If you go to what's left of the Vansir Reclaim to try to research celestial magic, you're barking up the wrong tree. Do a little homework beforehand to help ensure you're at least looking in the right place. (Yeah, the teacher just told you to do homework.)
  • Depending on the depth of your submission, your response may be a "You will receive an in-game encounter." We are, first and foremost, a roleplaying game. If the thing you want to do would best be done in person and we have the means with which to do so, we will.
Got questions? Drop us a line. We're happy to help.

See you in the spring!
-Michelle and the HQ Plot Team
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