Winter IBGAs for 2022-2023

Nate/Nyio Sorn

Wisconsin Staff
Greetings everyone!

It's that time again for IBGAs. These IBGAs will spand over the 4 winter months. These will be split into 2 rounds. The 1st round will be due December 19th. During this time you will be allowed 1 major action. This major action could be anything you want to follow up on or if you just want to explore the world to a reasonable distance. Responses will be given out by January 9th.

If you don't have or don't want to follow up on anything you can always choose to stay in town and help out. If you choose this to be your action, you will add 3 points to the corresponding stat in which you helping with. Example would be if you choose to help defend the town, you would add 3 points to the towns defense.

All submissions should be sent to

Thank you for being part of our world and we look forward to what you all have planned next!!

Alliance Wisconsin Plot Team!
Greetings everyone,

48hrs left to get your IBGAs in. Plot is looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing for the 1st half of winter.
