Winter Writeup Instructions **please read re: Winter Plot**

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
Dear Players,
Below I will outline the 2 structures for your Winter Plot Submissions.  

Please understand that the deadlines set below are set fast and no allowance or exception will be made for late submissions (save an act of G-d).  Also understand that your plot submissions may be OOG instructions or information for me to know the whereabouts and actions of your character as well as an available IG dialogue or story about your actions.  I will attempt to respond in-kind, though this does not guarantee an emailed plot response, or within a single event could possibly so impact plot with your decisions that a single event is written within our season to cover your Winter Writeup and actions.  If you have questions about this, please with the SUBJECT: Questions about Plot Responses.

Option A:  Three Submissions with Individual Actions   
You may submit your Winter Writeup as 3 Individual Actions, each part due December 1, 2013, January 1, 2014, and February 1, 2014. (eg. I do this, then this, then this)     Each individual action may receive an individual response or you may receive a response after your final submission.  This does not guarantee an emailed response or individual response, it does open the opportunity for you to interact with plot on a smaller scale basis.  If any of your actions are received after midnight of the due date, they will automatically become a Option B submission

Option B: Single Submission with 3 Actions   
You may submit your Winter Writeup as a Single Submission with 3 Actions, due February 1, 2014.  This is a standard Winter Writeup Structure, allowing you the ability to contemplate your 3 months of actions and submit them at one time (Feb 1, 2014).  This does not guarantee you a single emailed response or multiple emailed responses, but it does allow you to do large actions over a period of time without interruption (eg. I sail around the waters of Barran, pillaging and raiding pirate ships for 3 months).

With both of these options, please make sure the Guild you wish to interact with or the Guild you have membership in is listed.

Please submit your plot submissions via the Alliance Gettysburg you fail to submit your plot writeup via the website (without prior approval), you will receive an email that states you must make your submission through the website before your writeup will be read or responded to.  I will not (at this time) penalize anyone by considering a plot submission late if they submit through email and not the site at the deadline...however if this becomes a problem there may be a reconsideration of this policy.  

When you submit you plot through the plot submission page, please use the "Winter Writeup" radio button.  My plot team will get the email from the site and I can track and assign responses easier.

Thank you all for your cooperation.  Again, if you have questions - please  Cannot wait to read your writeups!

Emily Desmarais, Head of Plot - Alliance LARP Gettysburg