Winter Writeups for 2010-2011 break.


NEPA Staff
Greetings HQ palyers,

Another season of Alliance HQ LARPing has come and gone, and now it's time for all of you to start planning your winter shenanigans! As with previous winter breaks, we will be allowing six actions over the course of the winter. This year there's a twist though, you have two options for how you can take them.

1. You can send in a single writeup with all six actions on it, this would be due no later than 60 days before the 2011 opener (Date to be posted, but the cutoff will likely be mid February).

2. You can send in your actions in three groups of two. If you choose to do this your first two actions will be due by November 1st 2010, your second set of two by January 1st 2011, and the final actions due 60 days before the opener.

We hope that this added flexibility will enable you to be more dynamic with your plot submissions and make it easier for yourcharacter to accomplish what they are setting out to do over the cold winter months. All submissions should be sent to

Thank you for letting us entertain you,
-The Alliance HQ Plot Team
Can we include the plot submission from last winter as well (never received a response)? I guess I imagine including the previous one and writing what I think would happen after that.
My apologies James. Yes, please send both.
Here comes noob question time!

So, we have six actions. Not relevant to how I spread them out: let's say a character is tasked with a mission, the specifics of which require them doing more than six things or going to more than six places. Could said mission in all of its steps count as one action? Or, conversely, could that mission perhaps be broken up into two or more separate actions, but not necessarily all six (maybe just three/four)? Or is this a case in which the mission would take longer than the span of the winter itself on a basis of "in real time, this would have taken your character longer, anyway"?
If you have just one mission that you plan on doing for the entire winter just send in what you wish to accomplish. If it's straightforward enough then it would likely be one big response. Sending it in early would let us have more fun with it though. We could give you the first few things that happen and then set up a "how does yourcharacter respond?" situation with your response effecting the next set of actions. The goal is to give everyone who sends in their writeup by Nov 1st a more dynamic experience as a thank you for letting us deal with IG actions early so that come February we can concentrate on writing the opener rather than dealing with 30+ submissions. In the couple months leading up to an event the Plot team's priority is writing the opener and planning out the year, and I'd rather do a little extra work now and give players awesome responses than be up against the deadline and send out 25 half-assed ones.
Another question, sort of just need a bit of advice... what if you're having trouble corresponding with the person you are doing write-ups with? Would it be helpful for the plot people if I submitted a sort of "first draft" describing what we are doing, and give you the final details when he gets back to me? I don't wanna miss a deadline, but I also don't wanna leave out any of his thoughts (or his player number, for that matter... I dunno what it is.) So... do I wait for him and submit late, or give you an incomplete bit of information now?
I ask the following question with as much respect to Toddo and his busy life as possible:

In the event I don't receive a write-up response in time for the April event, how is it suggested I handle this in-game, given I won't know what my character did/the consequences of her actions? Should I assume she was successful? Unsuccessful?
The last of the writeups will be finished and sent by this weekend. Sorry bout the delays, been getting the writeup together while buying a house and planning a wedding (all 3 things happening within 7 days of each other, I'm going in 12 directions at once).
Toddo said:
The last of the writeups will be finished and sent by this weekend. Sorry bout the delays, been getting the writeup together while buying a house and planning a wedding (all 3 things happening within 7 days of each other, I'm going in 12 directions at once).

Awesome! And thank you. Like I said, I know you're super-busy and I meant absolutely no disrespect; I just wanted to know what to do in a worst-case scenario. Thank you again, sir!
Kicking me when I deserve a kickin' is not disrespectful. :)
See above.