wisdom teeth gone!


..I had 4 impacted under bone wisdom teeth, some of you might have noticed me on serious edge throughout the season I would like to apologies because I've been in constant pain for a year or two now, and now I feel like I have no bottom jaw!.. this should be fun specially for the upcoming weekend woot
getting wisdom teeth out is one of the most pain causing yet ultimately pain relieving experienced you will ever have...I guarantee it...besides actually getting a baby out of your loins (i'm guessing)
My wisdom teeth were simply pulled, like any other tooth. I had had teeth pulled when I was younger and the wisdom teeth were able to move forward and grow in "properly". Unfortunately they were so far back that my jaw prevented proper brushing and they had to be pulled.
telokh....mine too...they only pulled mine because of brushability...and marcena...the fact that you just told us your mouth had plenty of room ...leaves you open for so many digs but i'm not gonna make any :D
ROB!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...what is it with british folk and their teeth?? every bad tooth joke i hear is about brits...i wonder if its a lack of dentists
heh my wisdom teeth grew in behind bone... oh question tho if I play a chipmunk scavie is it wrong if my cheeks are puffy from surgery?
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and marcena...the fact that you just told us your mouth had plenty of room ...leaves you open for so many digs but i'm not gonna make any :D

But I will. ;)

Marcena must be REALLY fun on dates!
marcena's a minor!! be nice telokh...

as for chipmunk cheeks....be careful the running around of alliance does not make the sockets bleed...thats my only suggestions...play a chipmunk scavvy it would look cute
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
marcena's a minor!! be nice telokh...

Well, how was I supposed to know that. :o
18 in three weeks!! Can't wait! :D

But my character won't turn 18 until February 14.

Anyway, how about them wisdom teeth? Sure are tonnes of fun, yes? :shock:
Marcena said:
But my character won't turn 18 until February 14.

I always give my characters my own birthday so I won't forget how old they are. I even keep it in increments of 10 years so I know what the final digit of their age is. The only one not on that formula is Gyps, since he needed to be younger when I first played him. I still have to think back to when his first event was to figure out his age.
which one were you?::blink::: did I help swat you about? hope you didn't take a boffer to the cheeky