xbox 360 Left for Dead

So, after a week that kicked me in the teeth at every turn, I went out and bought Left for Dead to make me feel better. I've been told it's much better as an online game.

So who's playing it and what are your gamer tags? Mine is the same as my forum name, Duke Frost.

Shoot'em in the head!!!!

Shoot'em in the head!!!!!

Zombies are my best friend. xD
Not one of these posts was helpful to my gaming experience...which may change during online play.
Duke Frost said:
Not one of these posts was helpful to my gaming experience...which may change during online play.

I'm Brujah7783 on XBox Live. I'm always looking for more people to play L4D. Heck - we use it for team-building exercises at work!
lol, a Zombie Wiggins is ALL I need at a workplace with ground floor windows encircling the buliding and only two exits. Wouldn't work for me. My Gamertag is Thetoddo.
Ezri said:
Dude, can I work at your job?

GameStop is always expanding...

...only downside is the customers. :-)
Duke Frost said:
Not one of these posts was helpful to my gaming experience...which may change during online play.

I have the PC version, and enjoy it, although I can't imagine playing on 360. Requires too much fast-twitch to play well on a thumb stick.
Wraith said:
Duke Frost said:
Not one of these posts was helpful to my gaming experience...which may change during online play.

I have the PC version, and enjoy it, although I can't imagine playing on 360. Requires too much fast-twitch to play well on a thumb stick.

You need to free your mind.
I play L4D on my PC with my 360 controller and it works out well, I tried keyboard and mouse which works just as well. If your not too worried about just getting head shots you may want to give a gamepad/joystik a shot. After playing several FPS games on my PC I find that depending on the game and the goals that the game requires I usually split my games between traditional Key & Mouse or controller.

I had a buddy from work just recently look very surprised when I told him over lunch that I was using a controller. I find that ramping up the senativity on the thumb pads helps give that twitch action I've used with the traditional standards of key & Mouse play.

Justin H-
Resurrecting the Zombie Thread.

I now have an Xbox 360 thanks to Circuit City's going out of business sale.

I am looking for people to play with on L4D: My handle is Zehnyu :)
