XBox 360 players (Far Cry 2)


Hello xbox 360'ers, I know a few Alliance players have been getting together to hangout and try out some gaming with one another but a few games that's been mentioned sometimes haven't been able to support good sizes team play. I figured there has to be a game out there that would allow us to have some great team battles while keeping things fresh with new maps.

If anyone wants to give it a shot Far Cry 2 multiplayer would be a good choice especially since we can deisgn our own maps. I know I've made several maps using their tool editor on the 360 so there would always be a supply of new maps on hand. If this sounds like something that might work for you all shoot a name on the thread and let's get ready to rumble.

Justin H-
I'll definitely look into the game and see if I find it interesting. I'm guessing it has your thumbs up Justin. Is it a fun game one player as well? I play a lot at weird times like 7 AM on Saturday and Sunday when no one else is up yet.

The single player game I heard was ok. Lot of driving and and hunting around since they made it a huge sandbox world. I enjoyed it but once I saw that there was a map editor I had to make sure I knew how to make maps. A good map takes me about 3 days to complete, but that's me putting in chairs and other object to give it more flair otherwise a workable map takes a day to make. The game is worth the price for a used copy. Given time I can make replica's of most of the Alliance camp sites I visited just for giggles. Ducking and hiding in the trees is awesome and setting up ambushes is always a plus. They have several game play modes for multiplayer which is always fun to mess with.

I got a used copy at Gamestop for 35$.

Good times. Some of the maps people create remind me of old Counter Strike maps.