Yall hear the news?

Yall hear the rumor?

Buckey the regent out west of us in Buckland awarded up a third of his regency which is still the largest in Wayside to some guy last night. The records were taken into Arbor Hall. Apperantly this guy must a done him a huge favor for him ta just hand him such a swafth of land as a "master of buckland" no tale as to wether this guy plans on trying to vie for regency over it.

Bob Talltale
Goodman Talltale,

Who was awarded this prize? Or is it another talltale?

I dont know the name of the man its all been kept very hush hush...from what I hear it has something to do with the Emeral Archer.

Bob Talltale
Well, well. I am interested to know. Perhaps it was that inside tip that lead to the capture of the archer's camp. This has been an exciting week.

Maybe so... if you ask me whoever did it should be quartered by the good people of Briarpass and Buckland. It aint right what these men are being charged with...course they havent got the real archer yet or they'd truss him up like a prize buck after the hunt...maybe he can still stay one step ahead and avenge himself.

Bon Talltale