Yet another Fantastic Gobby Opportunity! (Ends Sept 14th)


People are always asking me, Mister Dave (people do tend to be very formal, I dunno why), Mister Dave they say, I wants more tastey tastey goblin stamps to buy blankets with, or production items, or just to look at how big the pile is getting.

So Once again we are offering a promotion for a very limited time!

As most of you are aware our next event will have about half or more of the Event taken over by our tournament of Respite, and we've got all sorts of interesting challenges in store, but we can always use more ideas!

So We are once again offering Goblin stamps for your creativity, Send us your submittions and we'll give you Goblin stamps.

The Rules!

1.) Contests should NOT all be combat related, Puzzles, riddles, challenges are also good options, we are restricting the number of events that are purely combat related to ensure everyone has a fair shot to shine.
2.) Contests MAY use common production items (scrolls, potions, alchemy etc.) made available by the npcs running the event, also common protective spells and healing may be included during the event, or after to restore the participant's health.
3.) Fay effects, non standard effects, and Arcane Renews etc, are NOT fair game for this event/contest, please do not include them. This includes our three current LCO effects, these are reserved specifically for particular encounters/monsters and are not fair game.
4.) Similarly Magic items designed to add abilities should not be used (Ie no 5xday Cure disease items etc.). However Creatively flawed items or items with a consistent affects that are reusable by all participating teams to create a puzzle will be considered.
5.) All Contests should be repeatable and ideally should not involve teams of more then 4
6.) Special NPCs are reasonable, crazy dwarfs from the mountains with constructs, Elves with magically constructed traps or creations, Hoblings with a troupe of hired performers etc.

The Rewards!

Each submittion that is well written (at least a paragraph) As determined by our Staff will garner the following.

1.) A Guarnteed 15 Goblins stamps for your first submittion, 10 for the second, and 5 more for the third (hey! that like, adds up to 30 gobbies!)
2.) 30 Goblin Stamps additional for every idea used at the tournament!
3.) 15 Goblin stamps if we don't use your idea for the tournament, but scrap it and re-work it for future plotlines! (we are like that, power corrupts!)

Any Questions? Please ask them here so I can give the answers publically for others who are wondering!
Sorry if I sound stupid, but what specifically and exactly are we submitting? Sorry Dave, but your message is rather cryptic to those of us (mainly myself as of current, being as nobody else seems to have trouble with it) who don't know much about the tourney and how it works, and that makes it quite difficult to gauge what I'm supposed to be thinking about to submit. For instance, are there any certain specifications that each contest must entail? Is #1 saying that not all of the challenges will be combat related, puzzles, and riddles and we should find other things, or is it saying that not all of them are combat and things such as puzzles and riddles are welcomed?

Once again, sorry if these are stupid questions. I'm just kind of confused.
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Sorry if I sound stupid, but what specifically and exactly are we submitting? Sorry Dave, but your message is rather cryptic to those of us (mainly myself as of current, being as nobody else seems to have trouble with it) who don't know much about the tourney and how it works, and that makes it quite difficult to gauge what I'm supposed to be thinking about to submit. For instance, are there any certain specifications that each contest must entail? Is #1 saying that not all of the challenges will be combat related, puzzles, and riddles and we should find other things, or is it saying that not all of them are combat and things such as puzzles and riddles are welcomed?

Once again, sorry if these are stupid questions. I'm just kind of confused.

Similar to modules each 'event' should be a challenge or competition of some kind that could be rated as to which group or single person did the 'best' or was most accurate etc. Keep in mind that we have to be able to in some way represent each challenge, one classic example could be a "liars' riddle, IE two out of three people are lying and the participants must determine who is telling the truth from just a few questions etc.

I've reworded the post to be more clear.
Should those submitting something email it to you or post it here?