You'll never take me alive, copper!


We could use donations of copper, so please bring them to the next event.

Please do NOT tape them together. Count them up and put them in a zip lock bag and write the amount on it if you can!

Thanks. I know people hate copper, but hey, something has to represent "1" (and they come in handy for buying drinks in the tavern and gambling). Recycling them helps save real money that could be used for other things.
when you say "donations of copper" do you mean... "please trade in your copper for silver and gold"?

or are you seriously asking people to donate their copper pieces?

If you mean "trade in", this sounds like something we should put in the next event reminder newsletter don't ya think? :thumbsup:
if you offered a small 'incentive' like 9 copper/silver for the subsequent coin denomination higher you'd probably get a lot more too... ;)
Robb Graves said:
when you say "donations of copper" do you mean... "please trade in your copper for silver and gold"?

or are you seriously asking people to donate their copper pieces?

If you mean "trade in", this sounds like something we should put in the next event reminder newsletter don't ya think? :thumbsup:

Yep, trade 'em in for silver and gold, and yep, perfect for the newsletter! :)
Dreamingfurther said:
if you offered a small 'incentive' like 9 copper/silver for the subsequent coin denomination higher you'd probably get a lot more too... ;)

I would hope PCs would appreciate the advantages of helping us keep our costs down and would trade them in without having to be bribed... :disgust: :D
We also can't give away coin without it having to come out of treasure policy. I know it sounds trite - just a few coppers right? But you'd be amazed how those little buggers add up.
How about 1 gobby per 10 copper turned in?
Yea your right, I hadn't thought about it coming out of treasure policy. Goblin stamps could work though. :)
Er.... so i should expect to start counting peoples coins and such? If someone brings in an oildrum of copper coins im calling not it for counting them. now if we kept it in game and did a in gsme auction with copper being the only currebt allowed cause the royal mages guild needs it for their lightning wand cores at the tournement that would be cool and keep it ig.
Well, if we put the stipulation on the player that THEY have to count it, so that they get the gobbies, that would solve your problem though.
Also, I want to see an oil drum full of copper... mostly because i want to swim in them like scrooge mcduck... how that guy did not die when he dove into his vault is beyond me.
Aggravain said:
Er.... so i should expect to start counting peoples coins and such? If someone brings in an oildrum of copper coins im calling not it for counting them. now if we kept it in game and did a in gsme auction with copper being the only currebt allowed cause the royal mages guild needs it for their lightning wand cores at the tournement that would be cool and keep it ig.

If we really wanted to, we could use a scale instead of counting. A simple kitchen scale with 1/100 of a pound should do the trick.

Robb Graves said:
Also, I want to see an oil drum full of copper... mostly because i want to swim in them like scrooge mcduck... how that guy did not die when he dove into his vault is beyond me.

Everyone knows cartoon coins are soft and rubbery, just like cartoon characters.

I want to roll around in a bed of cariosus and catalysts!
Anyway, here's hoping people will make donations of copper in order to not have to carry as many coins around and to help the game. :thumbsup:


Also, last weekend, we found a lot of silvers from NERO -- they have a crest on the back instead of a 10. IG, these are counterfeit so if someone gives you one and you notice, be sure to report it! We can't let you trade them in for our silver pieces because they didn't come from us and therefore it would violate our treasure policy. Sorry!
Duke Frost said:
Aggravain said:
Er.... so i should expect to start counting peoples coins and such? If someone brings in an oildrum of copper coins im calling not it for counting them. now if we kept it in game and did a in gsme auction with copper being the only currebt allowed cause the royal mages guild needs it for their lightning wand cores at the tournement that would be cool and keep it ig.

If we really wanted to, we could use a scale instead of counting. A simple kitchen scale with 1/100 of a pound should do the trick.


Actually that's a great idea. Once we figure out how much 100 of em weighs that's easy enough. I have a kitchen scale but don't know if it's got 1/100ths on it. I'll check.
Fearless Leader said:
Anyway, here's hoping people will make donations of copper in order to not have to carry as many coins around and to help the game. :thumbsup:


Also, last weekend, we found a lot of silvers from NERO -- they have a crest on the back instead of a 10. IG, these are counterfeit so if someone gives you one and you notice, be sure to report it! We can't let you trade them in for our silver pieces because they didn't come from us and therefore it would violate our treasure policy. Sorry!

Ummmm...Mike, you realize that some / many of those might have come from Caleb. He has been playing the same character for enough years that he simply might still have coins from the old, old days.

mikestrauss said:
Ummmm...Mike, you realize that some / many of those might have come from Caleb. He has been playing the same character for enough years that he simply might still have coins from the old, old days.


Nope, we NEVER used those coins. They were minted after we started our game and we never accepted them.
You mean the ones that say "Duchy of Ashbury" on the back? I've been seeing those since I started playing - hell I have a couple dozen of them.
Ezri said:
You mean the ones that say "Duchy of Ashbury" on the back? I've been seeing those since I started playing - hell I have a couple dozen of them.

No, those are fine.

These have only a noble crest on the other side with no writing -- it's the crest of Ravenholt, I think, which is obviously something we've never used.