Zpirit Farevell Zcroll

Lanna Rose

Iv zome vone can 'elp me get a zpirit farevell zcroll kit it vould be very appriziated. i vould like to be able to give every vone a chanz to zay goodbye to Jarrin and be able to myzelf. Pleaze contact me more privetly iv you can 'elp me.
I do 'ave zizngz to offer. Like an Item Recall zcroll, iv zat iz enough. Please let me know.

Lanna Rose
Lanna Rose

I grieve with you. It saddens me deeply to hear your dreams.

If you require assistance in the casting of the Spirit Farewell ritual, I offer you my formal magic and the reagents that you will require.

Hail the Glorious Dead.

-Squire Sergeant Ignatious Skippio Vex

I echo Squire Ignatious' sentiments and would be happy to assist you in any way I can.

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale
Zank you all. I am ztill looking. My cozin Ket iz alzo looking. I vill tell you all zomezhing and pleaze let it be known. I vill not go back to Deadlandz. Zun 'ave offered me vone but I cannot go to deadlandz. I cannot go back to vere 'e died.


You will find that if you keep running from places after something bad happens to you there; in the long-run you will have no place left to go. All of Fortannis is dangerous for adventurers, there is no safe place to adventure. People are going to permanently die, no matter where you travel.

The Deadlands need the assistance of adventurers now perhaps more than ever, there are many good people that refuse to abandon Syraandor to the Withering.

I am not trying to patronize you, I just wish for you see that this is our lot in life. There is no reason to fear dying for a good cause, it is the most noble and heroic act that one can perform in their lifetimes. I hope that I am so lucky.

Take time to mourn him, but do not forget that you must now live your life as he would have wanted you to. Honor him by living your life well.

-Squire Sergeant Ignatious Skippio Vex

I know how hard it is to go back to a place once you've had your heart broken there, believe me, I really do. But I can also tell you that in time you may find that you have the strength to come back and face that pain and loss and do what you must and be who you are in spite of it.

You have a brave heart, which is exactly what the people of Laerthan need right now. If we adventurers let that place break us then the true mortals there don't stand a chance. I fully expect to meet my permanent death there some day, but there comes a time in your life when you have to decide whether you will live in fear, or whether you will live in truth. I believe you have the strength to truly live, Lanna.

It does not have to be soon. By all means, go to your familia. Give yourself time to grieve, but please don't forsake the people and the land here. You would be forsaking yourself as well.


Don't think you are alone. I will travel to the Hollow for you, if it means obtaining the scroll for his ritual. I miss him too. I will do whatever needs doing to get to say goodbye. Let me know, and I'll gather my horse.

Nicole Dellonchre Merik
Ritual Scrolls are usually tied to the lands and do not travel through the mists. I highly doubt that you will be able to bring this scroll to anywhere but on Laerthan.

*sighs* That figures. That shows you how much I know about Magics.....If it's not pointy and made of steel, I really have no idea about it, Sorry.

But my offer still stands, Lanna, And I'll do anything you need.