Adventurers Wanted

If you are need of adventure and find that you have none, I require the aid of adventurers. I would prefer groups of adventurers. I have jobs for varying skill levels, though knowledge of alchemy or rage may be beneficial. The job includes primarily the recovery of odd components, knowledge, and possibly some research. I have need of different skills sets and experiences for a few different jobs. If interested, find me this market day and we can discuss terms.
The job includes primarily the recovery of odd components, knowledge, and possibly some research.

I may be interested.
Contact me at your leisure.

If it involves the acquisition of knowledge, I would be more than eager to lend my assistance. If you find a need, feel free to contact me.

- Wycliff, the Seeker
I think I may be able to offer some assistance. If I happen to see you around maybe we could have a discussion?
You know to contact me if you find any particularly weird magical stuff, right? Good.
If these gentlemen will meet your needs, I will gladly bow out, as I do have other matters to attend to.
Should you require my services, you have but to ask.
