Dungeon Run 2015 Schedule


Here is the official schedule for this year's dungeon run! Players please indicate if you will be attending. Please speak to the run leaders if you want to join their team. Max 7 players per run; one run per PC.

4:00 pm
Leader: Hamish (Keith)
Task: Trial of Knighthood.
Team: Third, Garridan, Boris, Tiberius, Iso'bel

5:30 pm
Leader: Illandra (Chelsea)
Task: Catalyst for the time engine.
Team: Sarryn, Mar, Nazrat, Gnurk'a, Shatrevar

7:00 pm
Leaders: Thistle (Sheena) & Kaja (Ember)
Task: Exploring the liche’s lair.
Team: Stig, Seigart, Kai, Darien

8:30 pm
Leader: Evo (Daen)
Task: Searching Kara Vale’s mine. (Low-level / new player run.)
Team: Billin, Rovinder, Aezir, Valgarda, Kalin, Flavius

10:00 pm
Leader: Isawda (Mike)
Task: Going to help the Duregar.
Team: Morrigan, Gabe, Magnus, Malithon, Yetta
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Yikes! I REALLY don't remember be talked to a as a team lead, or holding my hand up in the review at the end of the event! Must be my memory going... (grin)
For those not already in a group and looking to correct the wrong that resulted from the tainted catalyst, please let me know! I can promise some decent level healing and would like to see some skill with traps, steel and arcane (ick!) added to the mix. Morrigan and Malathon? Let me know folks!
As team leads assemble their crew we will update the above list so players know who is going where.
If you're new or low-level, please post here so we know you're attending. Do we currently have a low-level trap disarmer coming? We may need to borrow one if not. We'll certainly need an Earth caster and some folks to hit things. I can cover Celestial if there's no low-level wizard.
Mar will be there though Mar is not low level XD is hoping to run with hamish but will help who needs me
Shatrevar will be attending , with sword in hand to slay the vile ..... (insert monster here) :)
Am I the only one who finds it odd that Thistle & Kaja are on the same team, when they're both healers?
Billin will be there, I guess I will run with Evo, if he will have me :)
Welcome to the team! What level is Billin, officially?
Morrigan will gladly go on the trip with Isawda. ;) (this also works well for me and logistics as this is the last run of the day so everyone should be through log by now! yay!)
Am I the only one who finds it odd that Thistle & Kaja are on the same team, when they're both healers?

That is what happens when the story calls for it. :-)
Ok Cory. I just thought it odd, especially with last year and all the fuss it took to try and get all the teams balanced for healers and trap unsetters.
Siegart's going to be there with Kaja
I believe my team needs everything :P. I have no idea how combat intensive, or thought provoking mine will be, but anyone is more than welcome to join my group :D (Also, i think Anthony (Sarryn) will be accompanying Illandra on her quest, same with Lisa (Yetta).)
Hamish, Third, Garridan, Boris, Tiberius and Isobel have formed a warband to pursue Hamish's quest for knighthood.
Mar needs a team :) kaja/thistle? Illandra? Isawda?(your not my last choice mike I just know nothing bout the situation your remedying XD)
Confirming Iso'bel's participation in the first run.
If she's been on the business end of a ogre birth, keeping these boys alive should (hopefully) be within her capabilities as well.
Ok Cory. I just thought it odd, especially with last year and all the fuss it took to try and get all the teams balanced for healers and trap unsetters.
Don't worry, I'm sure all of the EW have been busy every event making the most potions they can for just such an occasion....
Mar needs a team :) kaja/thistle? Illandra? Isawda?(your not my last choice mike I just know nothing bout the situation your remedying XD)
You're more than welcome on my team :) Mar is always welcome. But if you'd prefer to go on someone elses, or feel that you would be more help to another party we won't be offended lol.