Predator vs. Prey Races/Characters


I was mulling over this as I was reading the Sarr character descriptions on the Rule book where it goes on about them being skilled hunters and fierce warriors/predators who often eat parts of their kills...

And my question is this- Do Sarr and Predator based Wylderkin HUNT Prey based Wylderkin?

I know a well mannered wolfkin and Bearkin wouldn't go around killing the local Bunnykin just for giggles- and most Sarr are FAR too honorable/honor-bound to hunt their grass eating comrades- but is it a real concern for those Prey based Kins?

In dire straights is there the potential for the prey based kins to end up in someone's belly? Do they need to be cautious about the predator based Characters?

I'm interested in the rules of course but also anyone's personal opinions and thoughts on this! And how you Play this fact out in RP and how your characters react- both predator and prey!
Only as much a chance if that happening as any other variety of cannibalism.

Generally any ic discussion with the odd wolf or sarr kin that comments on my character or another character looking, smelling, otherwise seeming 'tastey' ends at best with a sharp reminder to "stop being stupid" at medium, charges for harassment or assault, or worst- a sharp lesson why acting like a person rather than a 'mighty hunter' is better for their health...
Nothing wrong with a little counting coup though...
My wolf-kyn goes by the rule of 'does it talk?' Because if it talks, it's people and those are the ones you pack with.
killing the local Bunnykin


Since I play a prey type I can answer somewhat. Most predator kin or Sarr will either treat me as a regular, if a bit odd/cowardly, person. When they do suggest they can eat me, it's generally clearing in jest/for play to make the Rabbit nervous and both sides generally understand that cannibalism of another person just because they look a little fluffy probably isn't okay.
And my question is this- Do Sarr and Predator based Wylderkin HUNT Prey based Wylderkin?

Sarr and Kyn are not animals.

They are sentient, developed races with animal-characteristics, the level of characteristics being based on the player who is playing them.

So the answer to your question will depend upon the individual Sarr or Predator-type Kyn in question.

Also, note that some kyn can be viewed as prey-type and still stick several Death spells/Obliterates into you without losing sleep over it.
Hallucinations are bad for the health of others. >.>
It's awesome there are so many opinions on this- this is what I was looking for!

So it's conceivable for a character to have been attacked by a predator who is either starving, mentally unwell, or just plain mean.... this has potential for some fun RP encounters if you play a character of either side (predator or prey) who take issues with the other- like a RABBIT-kin who's nervous around Canine like Kin- just because he/she had a bad experience earlier in life. Or a Sarr who would normally NEVER think of eating a comrade but has a thing for venison and the local Deerkin overhears some comment about a BBQ. ;)

Also I suppose you could take this conversation one step further and add in the Dryads- what DOES a dryad do if a veggie loving Kin takes a fancy to their flowers or leaves? this could end badly for either... or in embarrassment.
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There's a Wormkin in SoMN that routinely picks at flowers and leaves on the local Dryads. There's not really a lot that comes from it, mostly he just gets scolded.
It's awesome there are so many opinions on this- this is what I was looking for!

So it's conceivable for a character to have been attacked by a predator who is either starving, mentally unwell, or just plain mean.... this has potential for some fun RP encounters if you play a character of either side (predator or prey) who take issues with the other- like a RABBIT-kin who's nervous around Canine like Kin- just because he/she had a bad experience earlier in life. Or a Sarr who would normally NEVER think of eating a comrade but has a thing for venison and the local Deerkin overhears some comment about a BBQ. ;)

The Original Raccoon Trio in Seattle had a bad experience with a Sarr tribe written into their backstory. We gradually acclimated, but first encounters with Sarr were pretty great fun. :D
In my case, I teased him horribly and presented him with a handmade tomato coin purse so he will forever remember his shame in trying to eat his apprentice. Seriously though, it has been great RP, and most Dryads tend to have a sense of humor. You have to when people constantly ask you if your food is upset with you for eating it.
Do they have to chase prey? No. They're people. But that said, instincts are supposed to be a thing with kin and acting a bit squirrely around would-be prey/predators is legit. My foxkin panics when he gets cornered by wolfkin and occasionally chases rabbitkin if he doesn't think before acting. All depends on the culture the character is from, how it will play out.
I tend to play predatory kin (presently my hawk 'kin), and I find that it's the little things that get the right reactions. Keep eye contact a little too intensely. Be very still when standing still, but move with purpose when you move. Tend towards people's blind spots when walking, and higher ground whenever possible. Loom.

At the end of the day it gets the right reactions as if someone were dealing with a large predator, without having to be overt about 'I'm gonna eat you little hobling...', given that you're playing a civilized race after all.
My primary certainly has practiced eating other sentient races in public. To her, cannibalism relates to eating other Sarr, which if hearts count, she has also done.

With the rest of it? Food is food. If they were dumb enough to be caught and baked into meat pies by her spider friend, that is not her problem.

This also isn't exclusive to Sarr/Wylderkin either... just saying.