Wylderkin Diet


Quick question: Do wylderkin have the same dietary restrictions and food preferences as their 'kin equivalents? Like, are herbivorous 'kin vegetarian? What do you guys do when roleplaying you 'kin?
That's really a choice each PC makes. My rabbit is one heck of a carnivore (like I am) and loves bacon etc. That said he also has a carrot habit that I try to make sure to rep with a few crunchy treats a game. It's important to remember that Wylderkin are not the animals they represent, but a unique humanoid races that shares some/many traits with the animal they relate to. Diet is one good option of showing that link, but by no means a required choice.
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That's really a choice each PC makes. My rabbit is one heck of a carnivore (like I am) and loves bacon etc. That said he also has a carrot carrot that I try to make sure to rep with a few crunchy treats a game. It's important to remember that Wylderkin are not the animals they represent, but a unique humanoid races that shares some/many traits with the animal they relate to. Diet is one good option of showing that link, but by no means a required choice.

I dont know why but the second you said your rabbit eats bacon i remembered another rabbit. There is a cyberneticly suped up rabbit in a book series who was created to hunt and kill telemarketers. He would help you if you paid him with booze (and woman if he van get away with it) one of my all time favorite book series. Look ip there will be dragons by john ringo. It shows how the dungeons and dragons fantasy world could have been created from advance tech in the future after it collapsed.
I've been playing a Pandakin for about a year or so now with another more established Pandakin. We both play as from the same homeland and culture. Both myself and the other player have gluten sensitivity so it has just carried over into game that Pandas can't eat gluten, to the point of other players now refer to gluten free food as "panda safe".
Naw, not formally. Remember they are not all animal, so you can pretty much do what you want. My character is fairly non-meat eating but even the real animal has been proven to eat live birds... so... lol...
Due to the Sar being pretty close to identical to the Wylderkin I thought I would put my input. Since I do eat a lot of meat anyway and want to make things easy on myself. My guy feeds himself with some choice greens. Then either Meat Cookies "hamburgers with no bun" or just eating a rotisserie chicken. I rarely use utensils just because I play my Lion as being more on the animalistic side of things due to how he was raised.
Sarr should be cat scavengers, and the only reason they are not is a legacy rules thing.

That said, I play similarly. My old Sarr back in the day was mostly carnivorous my hawk 'kin is a huge fish fan, for example, although it's mostly something that comes up in conversation as I tend not to eat at game.
I play a foxkin, which as a canid has problems with chocolate...I play it off as mild poison. Prefer meats (chicken esp) and make fun of people who eat too much "food of my food" (salad). It's all personal preference, but playing up your breed adds to the fun of being something not-human.
Food is delicious.

Make sure you wash it first.
If I can get my lobster Kyn off the ground, I plan on eating the smelliest of fish and cheeses to get the point of being a bottom feeder. It's a good thing I like herring and stinky cheese.
My rabbit-kin will begrudgingly eat meat in-character; she accepts it as an unfortunate necessity.
Out-of-character, so long as I can cut it into pieces small enough to eat with the prosthetic on my face... it's food. Which works for sliced vegetables, not so well for salads. Soup, so long as it fits through a straw.
"Zehn, are you eating somebody?"

"It's lobster. It doesn't count. Besides, you should've smelled the horrible things he was bringing into this tavern to eat. I'm doing Fortannis a service. *burp*."

(<3 Ben)
XD It's good that those are foods that can be easily eaten out doors.
As someone who does a terrible job of keeping herself fed properly, I don't limit what I actually eat based on RP needs. I do, however phys rep artificial foods with real food (gummy frogs mostly) and rubber or plush props. I've "eaten" frogs, spiders, goldfish, rabbits, snakes, worms, honey comb, rat-jerky, mystery hearts, and a few butterflies. My character was a little kid in a nomadic family: her favorite foods are breads/pastry and cheese, because her family had to barter for those and it was a rare treat.

Once I accidentally walked up behind our local ratkin, offering up a bag of (rubber) rat snacks, with a wiggling tail still sticking out of my mouth. :D