Concerns about the new Selunari

I genuinely promise I would not say anything if it was really that hard or expensive issue to address. Like ya said, I know a lot-that's why I know how terribly easy and cheap some of these concerns can be to address and I think the block folks have has more to do with self imposed limits than anything tangible.

Still, yall do you, I'm just offering ideas : )
Page 88 of the current Alliance LARP Rule Book:

You are allowed to disguise yourself in
limited ways—for example, an elf can wear a
hat to hide his ears or a dark elf can wear a
hood to cover her face. You can also wear a
mask over your face (provided it is a Zorro type
of mask and not a monster mask).

In other words, you can wear a helmet over the gemstone without the need for a gemstone to be on your helmet. You can wear a hat or head wrap over it if you want to.

As for the prosthetic and garb change - there is zero requirement to change the garb. Selunari are still travelers and can still dress in eclectic clothing. The only requirement is gluing a gem on your forehead. This isn't even technically a prosthetic but a decoration/jewelry (such as the small glitter stones some people wear as makeup).

I had thought that wearing such a jewel would be an issue but having done a photo shoot for over an hour with one, I completely forgot it was there. How will it be for a full weekend event though? Dunno...
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Page 88 of the current Alliance LARP Rule Book:

In other words, you can wear a helmet over the gemstone without the need for a gemstone to be on your helmet. You can wear a hat or head wrap over it if you want to.

That wasn't really part of the question. The question is:

1) If we accept that a gem can be attached to a headband and worn on the forehead, giving the illusion that the gem is going through the headband...

2) Can a gem also be affixed to a helmet, which is also pressed up against the forehead? This would prevent a player from being forced to wear a small gem under the helmet, if they wanted something larger. A player shouldn't be forced to wear a small gem based on the armor they wear.
Would someone in the official capacity to do so please answer whether a gem affixed to a helmet in the appropriate forehead placement would be acceptable, as it would be with the headband?

I've asked owners what the intention is here, I will respond when I've heard something back from them.
I've asked owners what the intention is here, I will respond when I've heard something back from them.

Thank you!
I would ask this, does the helmet at anytime while IC ever come off? If you answer is yes...then you must have the gem on your forehead.

The gem must be directly on the players forehead, not armor. This prevents any confusion people may have when someone wears a crown, circlet, or any other headpiece that may have any gems on it.

The option to place this on a headband provides a workaround for people that have problems using adhesive on their face. Ideally, it should look like the gem is poking through.
While I dislike the clarification, Auric, I appreciate it all the same.
That'll decide me on going human then, thanks for the clarification, Auric!
So, just as I've seen players having horns coming out of their helmets, one of the things that can be done is the gem on the helmet. Then, it's the player's responsibility not to take off the helmet until they're in a place to put the same gem in the same place. This works especially well if you have a gem that "juts out" quite a bit made of resin/colored friendly plastic. A second "shorter" but very similar gem could then be constructed/attached into the helmet itself. I'm not saying that it's easy, just like MWE horns and helmets aren't easy, but that it's doable.

Edit: Just saw Auric's post. Statement retracted.
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I am curious as to the trouble with the adhesive being attached to someone's forehead myself. There are hypoallergenic medical liquid adhesives out there.
Just a warning with Prosaide, if you sweat a lot, it will not hold.
I think you all are missing the super important question here: are we allowed to make them glow or light up?
Planning to put the flaw Obvious Power on a ritual on the body? :D
I certainly have no objection to them lighting up, as long as the light isn't so strong you can read scrolls from it.
So long as the light is not strong enough to duplicate the in game Light effect, there is no reason you could not do this. However, I would encourage anyone doing so to be prepared to keep the light active at all times, since being able to turn such a light on and off would, in certain situations, represent a gameplay fairness issue. If you're going to glow in the dark, you're going to glow in the dark, whether that's convenient or not.
I was thinking more about backing one of those faux gems with fluorescent tape, or spritzing it with clear fluorescence. It would glow whenever it was charged by actual lights, but still fade over time.

But now I just want to cast light spells on it. See what you did?
Looking through the national packet and working on Traverse City's local packet for Selunari; are accents still required?

While the packet seems to indicate that there is "wide variety of accents in their speech, depending on where each member spent their formative years. Selunari speech is also peppered with words from many different languages and they are known to have occasional difficulty with the grammar and syntax of the Common tongue."