Coming into game with a Craft

So, my question to you guys. Is it a bad idea to come into game with a craftsman skill, (in this case, "Bard")? Or would it be better to learn it later as I play and use those 2 points for something else as a new character?

I'm planning on making a Selunari entertainer, and I'm actually buying a lute. I've always wanted to learn, and I thought it would be fun to learn to play as I play the character/ practice imbetween games, but also it obviously opens up an easy tie-in to the craftsman skill and why I have it.

But should I wait, or take it now?
So the short answer is 2 build is not really that big of a deal, and do what makes you happy. I have 4 levels of miner, and I enjoy having it so it is worth it. The long answer is that 2 build out of that starting amount is rough, and if you are missing out on something you really want, those things can wait until you're ready and you can practice lute as you go because the craftsman skull is explained as a craft you can make money on in between games. Alternatively, if you need a few more build, most chapters offer blankets which are the equivalent of your character going to an event and can offer you a bit of a bump in starting build.
You can do things that would normally be a Craftsman Skill without purchasing it if you can physrep it- you just don't get the money for it at logistics. For example, I know how to knit and I decided that my PC also knows how to knit. I don't have OCS Knitter, but that doesn't mean that I can't sit around in game knitting.

Personally, I prefer to think of OCS's as monetizing the skills you have OOG (Now my character sells the things he knits in downtime, so I get my silver per logistics period) or as a way to 'have' skills that you don't actually have OOG (I don't actually know how to knit, but it makes sense for my character to know how and for them to sell things in downtime).

I would suggest waiting on buying the OCS- 2 build is a lot for a first level character, and there is nothing stopping you from buying it down the line when build is a little less precious- and just go ahead and physrep the skill IG (by playing your lute).

do what makes you happy
That's the most important thing.
Coming into game with a Craftsman is ultimately only guaranteed to get you some silver.

However, you should talk to your Plot team. Having a Craftsman represents that your character is a professional "this." Some chapters will let you use it for some benefit during your IBGA (In Between Game Action, aka "downtime"). Alternatively, you could totally play your character as a "hobbyist," where you're not a professional bard, you just happen to have some skill that you use with the adventuring community (you perform at events, but you don't have the Craftsman).

If you spend the build, you might get some RP out of it. If you don't, you can totally still perform at events, but you probably won't get much advantage in the form of story. That's only as important as you weight it to be.
Coming into game with a Craftsman is ultimately only guaranteed to get you some silver.

However, you should talk to your Plot team. Having a Craftsman represents that your character is a professional.

Bolding mine.

I really can't stress this enough. I as a player will likely always take OCS skills, because they help focus my character. They almost never have an effect other than silver generation with my plot team though. On the other hand, when I was on plot I tried to make sure that such things were taken into account when plot lines happened. Talk with your plot team, see what they think, and whether you put it on your sheet or not, play your lute for fun.