We need your help picking some weekends

Hey everyone!

We have a few weekends we want to get your opinion on! Please fill out the survey for us.

You can pick 2 answers so please let us know what months you'd be interested playing in!
What if you want an October and November event?
I like November and Feb. That leaves only December and Jan with no LARP events.
No October 28th event. If I can't play on my birthday you cant either Justin
I would also prefer Feb, Oct & Nov, for the record.

No October 28th event. If I can't play on my birthday you cant either Justin

Also, I would prefer a not Halloween weekend event, but MY wife (looking at you Dave) doesn't mind spending time with me on my birthday in the woods.

I want them all, as well...

(I can think of at least 12 months that I would like to see AGB events held.)

I really do like the winter event idea with the new site. As much as I am looking forward to October, I am not against freeing up Halloween for the kids and getting February and November.
Hey Guys: This survey is regarding next season, starting January 2018.

We are not going to be changing our 2017 October event date.
Did the title always say 2018? :'( well either way id vote February. I would change my November vote to October.
I would definitely be against an event in February of 2017.

It's too far back to blanket.

As a more constructive suggestion, I would include this question as part of the pre-reg form for people when registering for the next event.
Wow, so I guess we'll see ya'll in Feb, lol.... right... right.... you're not gonna make me wait til april again....