LCO Level Caps


I'm curious as to whether or not any chapters have discussed implementing a local flat level cap to see if it would help with scaling. I know there are chapters with gradual level caps, particularly with new campaigns, but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has talked about just instituting a locked cap, either temporarily or permanent.

The ARB appears to allow for this, so I figured it's possible talks have been had.
Denvers current 2020 season level cap is 309 xp. if you go over you can build down to the cap. It goes up at the beginning of every season so capped characters will always have some progression.
Yeah, I'm totally familiar with progressive caps, I'm inquiring about whether any chapter has considered instituting a hard cap. :)
It's being considered for BroS at some point but we're also considering making it a very slow progressive point (progress per actual game logistics period only) once we hit 100 build it so. That's years away, so it hasn't been finalized yet.
It's being considered for BroS at some point but we're also considering making it a very slow progressive point (progress per actual game logistics period only) once we hit 100 build it so. That's years away, so it hasn't been finalized yet.

Kinda wish it was that way from the start. 3 games and being level 6 feels weird :/
It's being considered for BroS at some point but we're also considering making it a very slow progressive point (progress per actual game logistics period only) once we hit 100 build it so. That's years away, so it hasn't been finalized yet.
there is a campaign starting in august at the kansas chapter that will have a cap similar to this. It is starting with a starting level cap of 25 xp and alot of us are really excited for it to start
It's being considered for BroS at some point but we're also considering making it a very slow progressive point (progress per actual game logistics period only) once we hit 100 build it so. That's years away, so it hasn't been finalized yet.
Its 21 logistic periods of XP to get form starting level 25xp to 100xp.
Its 21 logistic periods of XP to get form starting level 25xp to 100xp.

BroS advances 8 LP per year. Next event is at 60 XP, in June.
there is a campaign starting in august at the kansas chapter that will have a cap similar to this. It is starting with a starting level cap of 25 xp and alot of us are really excited for it to start

Where would one find info on this? Low level cap games are interesting.
This is the post we've made about it. More will be coming out in the next few months as the campaign gets closer. Myself, Sandro, and MaddieH are the plot team for it and we are very excited to get it off the ground.
These are all super great, but it sounds like no campaign/chapter is currently considering adding a hard cap to their games, except maybe BroS in a couple years.
@Draven 's comment on temporary caps got me thinking.

Personally I think it would be interesting to have a Big Bad in a shard take action to cause there to be a level cap that was slightly higher than the highest level current PCs. In order to remove this magical phenomena they'd first need to beat the villain. This could be a regional or world-wide cap scaling to how heroic the PCs triumph is meant to be.