A Fond Farewell and Here's to the Future


It is with a heavy heart that we announce that effective immediately the following Alliance chapters are closing:
  1. Alliance Seattle
  2. Alliance Oregon
  3. Alliance Utah
  4. Alliance Kansas
  5. Alliance Calgary
We have all been involved in Alliance as players and owners for a varying number of years, but some things we all share in common are that we are proud of the stories we have told and the way in which we have told them. We are ecstatic with the way that our chapters have grown and the new friends we have made along the way. We are delighted to see that the amount of work we have done to get 2.0 out of the door has led to so many indelible memories.

We do not believe that staying within the Alliance will allow us to continue to be able to grow our chapters and tell the same amount of high quality stories in a way that our players deserve. In the end, it should always be about the players.

In accordance with the details of our contracts, Letters of Termination have been sent by our legal counsel to the people in which we originally signed our contracts upon purchasing a chapter. We will not be pursuing a renewal of our contracts with the new ownership of the Alliance LARP national organization.

It is our understanding that all characters that are currently associated with the above affected chapters will not be negatively impacted by the decision and that the Alliance national organization will continue to provide the players of those characters with access to them should they choose.

Thank you for the wonderful memories, and here’s to a bright future for the Alliance.

Rick Raddue
Cory Fliegel
Luke Doyle
Paul Iverson
Daniel Armstrong
Casey Yeager
Hello everyone,

I'll keep this short and sweet as I've always been bad about goodbyes. Alliance has been the first major larp that I've joined and played in for ages, it's been almost 9 years for me now. I've had so many astounding adventures and kindled so many dear friendships, I really want to thank everyone involved with the game from staff all the way down to player for all of the life enriching experiences we've gotten to share together, from the smiles and laughs, all the way to the tears and hardships. There is no way I'd know where my life would be without all of you, so even though I am sad to be leaving the Alliance org, I know that there will be good things on the horizon for every chapter remaining and it is my sincere hope that both of our futures will be shiny with potential and warm with friendships.

It's been amazing and I cannot wait to see where the future goes for us all, I hope that our paths may cross again in future games, and even if not, stop by and say hi sometime. Y'all are amazing!

Attention Alliance LARP,

After many months of discussion and debate, I, Paul Iverson, alongside the unanimous support of my staff, have decided to cease all operations of Alliance LARP Utah. We no longer wish to operate as a member of the Alliance LARP.

We opened our doors to the public in October 2017. In the almost 3 years of business, we have seen our player base grow from 32 players all the way up to 120+. A remarkable feat, and one that was done with my own blood, sweat, and tears. I am extremely proud of the community I have created alongside the help of my amazing staff. We are the most diverse and accepting group of people I have ever had the privilege to lead. And it is remarkable the things we have done in the short time we have been around.

However, while we have truly enjoyed our time with Alliance LARP, we find that it no longer supports the needs of our players. I have always told my players that my goal is to have a 1000 player game by 2030, which sadly, is not obtainable under the current vision the Alliance has. And while Alliance may not work for us, we truly believe it will do wondrous things in the future.

As Southern Michigan mentioned, and I will reiterate, it is my understanding that all Characters that are currently associated with our Chapter will not be negatively impacted by the decision and that the Alliance national organization will continue to provide the Players of those Characters with access to them should they choose.

Thank you for the memories! We will truly miss you. Please be safe during these trying times.

Paul Iverson
Former Owner of Alliance LARP Utah
Good day Alliance,

I am speaking on behalf of Seattle and it’s Owner Luke as he is away from the computer for a few days.
Alliance LARP Seattle no longer wishes to operate as a member of the Alliance LARP and as such have decided to cease all operations of Alliance LARP Seattle.

Alliance was my first real LARP and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I’ve made countless friends from across the nation and shared in some truly amazing stories with you all. That can never be taken away from this organization and it has my deepest gratitude for creating an environment where that was possible!

That said it is time for our paths to diverge. The systems and environments we feel our players and staff will thrive best in are not congruent with what Alliance LARP has to offer. It is my sincerest hope that in the future we have two great and different systems for everyone to enjoy continent wide.

Again, as others have mentioned, it is my understanding that all Characters that are currently associated with our Chapter will not be negatively impacted by the decision and that the Alliance national organization will continue to provide the Players of those Characters with access to them should they choose.

Thank you for everything, truely.
P.s. I still plan on coming to when/wherever nationals are next to see how things come along!

Layn Sheppard
GM of Alliance LARP Seattle
Here's to a bright future for your new organization. I wish you the best of luck, and I cannot wait to hear about the stories you tell.

As for the housekeeping:

All characters associated with those chapters will be made available to players. This will not negatively affect their access to them.

I would encourage players who have concerns about their characters, etc to please reach out to customerservice@alliancelarp.com with those concerns. We will address them as they come up.

Thank you,

Stephen Duetzmann
National Customer Service/PR
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Thanks for the heads up everyone and the best wishes to all of you.

One note though, in my time in Alliance I've seen many chapters come and go, there has never been any issue, or even discussion, about PCs not transferring seamlessly to other existing Alliance games in the event of a closure so I'm confused on why everyone seems to be making an explicit point of pointing out that there will not be an issue? The wording suggests you expect there might be one, or want to imply that would be the case and you are heading it off or have come to some explicit agreement on that, when it's never been an issue in the existing half dozen previous departures.
Thanks for the heads up everyone and the best wishes to all of you.

One note though, in my time in Alliance I've seen many chapters come and go, there has never been any issue, or even discussion, about PCs not transferring seamlessly to other existing Alliance games in the event of a closure so I'm confused on why everyone seems to be making an explicit point of pointing out that there will not be an issue? The wording suggests you expect there might be one, or want to imply that would be the case and you are heading it off or have come to some explicit agreement on that, when it's never been an issue in the existing half dozen previous departures.

Most of the player base in Seattle (and I expect Oregon) has not previously experienced a split, so I suspect that wording is to prevent questions of that nature.
Thanks for the heads up everyone and the best wishes to all of you.

One note though, in my time in Alliance I've seen many chapters come and go, there has never been any issue, or even discussion, about PCs not transferring seamlessly to other existing Alliance games in the event of a closure so I'm confused on why everyone seems to be making an explicit point of pointing out that there will not be an issue? The wording suggests you expect there might be one, or want to imply that would be the case and you are heading it off or have come to some explicit agreement on that, when it's never been an issue in the existing half dozen previous departures.

I think they are just doing their due diligence, which is reasonable. I mentioned it because they did and I didn't want alarm anyone who read my post and thought I disagreed.

National CS/PR
Thank you all for your integrity, clarity, and communications. I look forward to the town hall.
IG: Hava Amalaya, Storm My'yeem & Sequoia Brightmoon