Goodness help us he's back at it again!
It's much appreciated. ¡Team effort!
Weapon Attacks paragraph 2, page 22:In the 2.0 rulebook, it wasn't either you vary, but both conditions had to be true (45 degree arc back and varying hit location.) I am unsure if the wording here was intentional.
Updated to "In order to be considered a valid attack, a weapon swing must meet the following conditions: each hit must vary location; each swing must progress beyond a 45-degree angle; each swing must be accompanied by a valid call. Any attack that does not meet all of these conditions is invalid and should not be counted." Thank you.
Defenses paragraphs 7 and 8, page 25:This just needs space between the description and the Resist paragraph.
Section updated for readability. Thank you.
Game Abilities page 25:Was the omission of the statement from page 26 of the 2.0 ARB here:
Other non Game Ability actions are covered elsewhere, but we'll look at the section for readibility.
8: First use of "Logistics Period," for which I can't find a definition in the rulebook.
"Logistic's Period" will be included in the Glossary. Thank you.
10: "Dark Elves often chose to stay in the shadowy fringes" -- should be "choose," I think, as all the other race description text is present tense.
Language updated. Thank you.
35: Under "Qualifiers," I think this is the first use of the jargon "incant," which as far as I can see isn't defined for new players.
"Incant" will be included in the Glossary. Thank you.
40: Fortress states that the target must "plant their feet." Does this mean that walking will break the spell?
Yes. This is unchanged from previous editions.
43: Shatter: Is the difference between Shatter and Break defined anywhere in the rulebook? I can't find the distinction.
Shatter and Break effects are outlined in their respective sections, but both sections have been updated for readability and coherence. Thank you.
96: Amalgam Armament: It sounds like a character without Alchemy can switch the item between normal/silver 3 times ever, and a character with Alchemy can switch the item an infinite number of times without using a charge? Is that right?
Language updated, "A character with Alchemy may expend a charge on this item. Once a charge is expended, a character with Alchemy may Focus for one minute to swap the effect of this weapon from Normal to Silver or from Silver to Normal an unlimited number of times during the Logistics Period." Thank you.
After updates are made, is the first post with the document equally updated to reflect these changes?
No. The document is not being updated.
Magic Storm & Lesser do not list that they are removed by Dispel
Table updated. Thank you.
In theory, Break may be removed by Mend, as the text of break says "until mended" and the text of Mend says "Item effected by Break"
The Break effect creates the Broken condition. We'll work on the sections for readability. Thank you.
"Must use passive abilities such as Weapon Prof & Backstab... " Implying that while berserk a character must call their full damage and they can not "pull their punches" as the top lines of page 23 explain in the "calling Damage" section.
We'll work with ARC on whether this was the intention behind this effect and update the section. Thank you.
Matters of Life and Death paragraph 2, page 27:The second to last line omits the out of game statement that the character is "choosing to die" and implies that they would bypass bleeding out. If the intent is for the verbal to be "choosing to bleed out" for overall clarity, perhaps could refer to the choice to bleed out in the next paragraph.
An unconscious character (or NPC) may choose to immediately die (become Dead), skipping Bleeding Out.
Resurrections paragraphs 2 and 3, page 27:Just needs a space to break up the paragraphs, easy day!
Line break added. Thank you.
Focus paragraph 2, page 31:Just "character's" as in the possessive here!
Language updated. Thank you.
Effects chart, page 32, 33:Antidote has "N/A" under Removed By, while other effects with no applicable removal are left blank.
Table updated. Thank you.
Poison Shield is listed as a potion, but cannot normally be created as Brewing adventuring equipment.
Table updated. Thank you.
Effects page 34:In other examples, the effect group and duration are italicized.
Font updated. Thank you.
Charm, page 35:Space may enhance readability here
Section updated for readability. Thank you.
Circle of Power, page 36:This one has no italics on the effect group
Font updated. Thank you.
Cure Wounds, page 38:Sneaky extra period got in there after Body Points
Period removed. Thank you.
Disease, page 38:Space between the paragraphs could improve readability
Line break added. Thank you.
Lesser Investment and Lesser Magic Storm, pages 40 and 41:It appears these two effects broke free from the Effect Group, Type, Duration pattern
Header updated for both effects. Thank you.
Purify, page 42

urify calls out that it will affect undead as Drain affects the living, but it is not listed under Drain. I am not sure if the omission was intentional.
Language updated for both Purify and Drain to accurately mirror eachother. Thank you.
Solidify paragraph 2, page 43:" this effect, will..." could omit the comma
Language updated. Thank you.
Stun Limb paragraphs 2 and 3, page 44: Space for readability spot
Line break added. Thank you.
Ward paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, page 45: Space for readability spot
Line breaks added. Thank you.