Update Regarding Immediately Implemented Rules and Policies from the 2023 Symposium


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Greetings Alliance community,

I’d like to share with you a few updates which were implemented from the recent owner’s Symposium. Like all Owner Votes, we will be sharing full vote summaries once our team has gotten a chance to sift through them all to prepare them for posting. In the meantime, there are four items I’d like to draw specific attention to now. The first two are rules adjustments which will be reflected in the official Alliance Rulebook coming by the end of the month. The second two are quality of life policies implemented for the 2.0 to 2.1 transition.

The following items have been voted in and are now in effect:

1. The “First Event Rewrite” option for new players has been expanded beyond just the first event. Historically, some liberty has been given to new players to figure out the rules and gameplay. Starting now, before the next event a player PCs after their first six PC’d logistics periods, they are able to freely change that character’s race and respend their accrued XP. Just like before, this is not a new character; none of their in-game experience or knowledge is changed, and their name must stay the same.

2. A fourth option is now available if a black stone is pulled by a character during resurrection, called “Metamorphosis”. This option allows you to reset your PC's XP instead of their permanent death. They will be reset to 25 XP and their death total will be set to two. All items which were spirit linked or spirit locked (including permanent items) to your character at the time of their death are destroyed. The character’s name and race must stay the same, but you are free to respend their XP however you would like. If used, this option may not be chosen again should the character pull a black stone during a future resurrection.

3. The conversion options for the changed ritual Workshop of Convenience (WoC) is expanded, and Render Indestructible Improved (RII) may now be converted as well. Previously, all existing WoC were converted into a Toolkit of Convenience, and existing RII were converted into Resist Shatter. Now, WoC and RII rituals may be converted into ritual points following the same conversion formula as Enhanced Quiver and Trap Avoidance, and may be spent on new ritual effects under the same guidelines (i.e., no catalyst required rituals and catalyst-optional ones will only function as their non-catalyst version). An updated tool to assist this process is in development and will be shared when it is ready, but in the meantime you may use the EQ & TA tool that was shared previously. If you have any questions regarding these conversions, you may contact your local logistics team or email me directly at dragonstamps@alliancelarp.com.

4. Arrows and Bolts from 2.0 and prior may now be converted into Smithing Crafting Materials (Ore or Leather). Conversions are done in batches of full quivers, rounded up. A quiver of Normal arrows/bolts are converted into 1 Ore/Leather, and a quiver of Silvered arrows/bolts are converted into 3 Ore/Leather. This turn-in option is available once per player per chapter.

The remaining votes will be released once we have a chance to work through all of the information and ensure we get them right. Expect to see them within a month.

Best wishes,

Albert L
Alliance General Manager
Regarding Metamorphosis, since mechanically it doesn't seem like it would make a difference if a character permanently died prior to any "death options" would it be in line to think that old dead characters could reboot with 25 XP / 2 deaths with this ruling?

(I know we chatted about this but I thought I'd put it out to owners and arc, also).

To answer the question; No this is not allowed. It would only be available for any character that died since it was implemented.
There was not much owner interest in implementing this retroactively. If this is something you, or others, feel strongly about please talk with your chapter owner and or put something in the suggestion box to show your support for it.
Query on Metamophisis, does this allow you repick racial skill choices should that be relevant?
Regarding Metamorphosis, since mechanically it doesn't seem like it would make a difference if a character permanently died prior to any "death options" would it be in line to think that old dead characters could reboot with 25 XP / 2 deaths with this ruling?

(I know we chatted about this but I thought I'd put it out to owners and arc, also).

This would not hurt my feelings, nor scare me. One of the upsides of the change is player retention, and agency. A big upside is bringing back players who have left.
Query on Metamophisis, does this allow you repick racial skill choices should that be relevant?
"The character’s name and race must stay the same".

I would say no because the only way a Kin can change their racial abilities is through a Racial Transformation.
Couldn't these be changed anyway by using the skill sellback option?

Having tested this the answer is no. In the Freeplay this will not reopen the choices. The removed racial skill will be set as a learned skill.
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Couldn't these be changed anyway by using the skill sellback option?
Selling back all of racial skill (or spirit forging) does not allow a different racial skill to be selected.