Proclamations from Whitecrown

Greetings, all. While a written version of this announcement is being prepared, I wished to announce upcoming laws being enforced in Rathfall. Hopefully, with the adventuring community's support, these measures will receive more favorable notice from the nobility, though as they do either question authority or tax the untaxable, I recognize that as...unlikely.

First, already written into law: all goods imported from the Blight *must* be certified safe by a member of the Mystweavers in good standing in order to be sold, traded, or possessed in any way. This includes, but is not limited to the ore known as "Malatite" or "Malatie".

Reason: This addresses the concern of false Malatite being sold in Rathfall.

Next: all Houses and legitimate authorities will submit a roster of all nobility, and the actual responsibilities of those nobility. In as timely a manner as possible, the Crown will review that roster and decide whether such nobles retain said titles. Crimes committed by those nobility will then be tried under their new station by House Fortinbras.

Reason: We owe it to further generations to try to combat the crumbling values, practices, and infrastructure of this great city. It lacks the panache of a moon, but....

Lastly, for this round of proclamations, at least: All uses of the Bound Shard ritual will be evaluated for a specific tax directly to the Crown.

Reason: While there are plenty of valid reasons to use this ritual, excessive uses are depleting resources quickly, and some method to push back has to be tried. We recognize that this law will tax Mystweavers, who usually see exemption from taxes. This is deliberate.

I will take questions.

Bryas Montague-Rumil
Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Your highness,

MayI inquire exactly what resources are diminished with the use of Bound Shard? Are you referring to components or some other energy source thats used up?

Thank you for your ear,
Lady Asher Oakheart, Herald of The Mother of Waves
Your highness,

MayI inquire exactly what resources are diminished with the use of Bound Shard? Are you referring to components or some other energy source thats used up?

Thank you for your ear,
Lady Asher Oakheart, Herald of The Mother of Waves

Lady Asher, I am referring to components, casting services and available focus.

While some projects unnecessarily will use upwards of twenty Bound Shards, the people of Pauper's Launch struggle for clean water. Hopefully, if the nobility insist on splurging on Bound Shards, the tax will bring the impoverished some relief.

Bryas Montague
Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Prince Consort Pro-Temp,

I appreciate House Rumil working to better understand how the Houses are elevating their gentry and dividing fief. It certainly will not gain you many friends in Whitecrowne, but many living elsewhere in Rathfall will appreciate the honesty and transparency.

However, I would appreciate a bit more clarity on the Bound Shard dragonscript tax. What are the criteria for evaluation? Is this applied to any casting of the script or just those commissioned through or purchased from House Rumil? Will it be a consumption or acquisition tax? Can you give an idea on that size of the tariff? How will ritual casting be monitored and how will infractions be punished? Who will administer the review details? Thank you for your insight.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Lost One of Five Bridges
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Lost One Hartsboon,

The Bound Shard tax will appraised through the lens of necessity, and affect all uses of the ritual within the confines of Rathfall and its colonies. The size of the tax is deliberately left vague, so as to allow the committee leeway in assessing how much each ritual should be taxed, but are given guidelines that will not be made public, save for this: it will not exceed 5 silver per casting, nor will it be waived entirely. Any funds raised this way fund efforts to revitalize the populace and structures above and beneath Pauper's Launch.

The Rathfallian nobility have been given every opportunity to aid the Launch willingly. I have even pleaded with them directly. This effort represents a frustration long overdue for redress.

Honestly, this dialogue has surprised me. I expected the most pushback from our efforts to take a census and punish possible wrongdoing by nobility. Perhaps that is yet to come.

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
What about pauper landing Bing told to move some of their own to Whitecrown.
Goodman Sable,

That would solve a few issues, but generate many more.
For instance:
How would we select the few who would get to relocate?
Out of whose pocket does the food required for those refugees come?
For the many that would desire to live in Whitecrown, how do we explain our desire over their tax money (that would be otherwise gained) to include the less fortunate (who, until healed and made whole likely would not generate tax revenue)?

I agree with the sentiment, but not the execution. We must make a better situation out of the Launch, rather than abandoning it entirely. Since most funding that goes there mysteriously diverts, House Rumil must control the funds or risk losing them similarly.

Thank you for taking a problem-solving approach, but this angle has been explored. I eagerly await the next.

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
What if that's a big if, we can get one of the gangs to move there
What if that's a big if, we can get one of the gangs to move there

Goodman Sable,
For the sake of transparency, I am not actually entertaining this course of action, but will discuss it with you in hopes of illuminating why that would never happen.

The gangs of Pauper's Launch, historically, act much in the way that minor nobility, guilds or any other social construct works in Rathfall. They enjoy increased power, and use that power to police their surroundings. The part where they differ is that they at no time received any sanction or legitimate authority. Their existence is both an ongoing crime and a moral failing (both of theirs and ours for allowing it.) Some leeway is given at the highest levels because historically both the Rumils, and the Montagues before them, failed to establish leadership and supplies for nobility to succeed in leading the populace in healthy ways. In the case of the Montagues, they even intentionally spread illnesses and strategically abused the populace.

Until this point, no action on record actually sought to benefit the inhabitants of Pauper's Launch beyond a few failed measures. Thus the Crown neglecting an entire District left a void of leadership. The gangs rose to fill that void without funding, which the Montagues found helpful. Near everyone left alive today in the Launch (with a few notable exceptions) has lived in this political landscape their entire lives, as did their parents before them. The system doesn't just not serve them, it actively limits their advancement, and sometimes locks them completely inside the District.

With all that being true, it is only one reason why bringing a gang from Pauper's Launch to Whitecrown wouldn't serve anyone. Assuming the gang wanted to come to Whitecrown (and many are filled with rage over the thought) we would be rewarding criminal behavior. The message we would be sending is that if you oppress others illegally and successfully enough, you are rewarded by upgrading to this better situation.

No, this is not a solution. What is your next idea?

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
But we can provide better avenue to do better for them self and their families
Or we can just go in and wipe them out
Your Royal Highness,

A Grand Enquête is often a very risky move to make by any ruler, what safeguards are in place to ensure that individuals displaced and "put out" by possible revocation of their nobility will not pivot support to your opponents who may make promises of restoration?

I have the honour to remain, Your Royal Highness's humble and obedient subject,
Doctor Atradimas of Whitehaven, D. OcSc
Sadly I'm with Atradimas on this one we can't afford someone like the arch duchess brother getting support from the gangs
Your Royal Highness,

A Grand Enquête is often a very risky move to make by any ruler, what safeguards are in place to ensure that individuals displaced and "put out" by possible revocation of their nobility will not pivot support to your opponents who may make promises of restoration?

I have the honour to remain, Your Royal Highness's humble and obedient subject,
Doctor Atradimas of Whitehaven, D. OcSc

It is possible, even probable, that those who benefit most from the abuse of power will see Prince Tristan as a means to retain said power. He has made it clear that those who serve him serve themselves by doing so. I will not serve Yvaine or the populace by compromising our goals in order to win favor of those actively dragging us toward destruction.

The literal ground beneath our feet seeks to swallow us, and those with the means to save us (at very little personal cost) dangle the funds necessary in return for personal favors. I understand this action seems drastic and ill-timed, but this is an act of restraint.

Tristan may make promises of restoration. We make promises of revolution. It will scare those who are comfortable with the current state of affairs, and there is no halfway with that mindset. I endeavor to grow, and growth must be done outside what is comfortable.

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
Or we can just go in and wipe them out
Goodman Sable,

...No. Imperfect a system as it may be, the gangs serve the function of keeping a sense of order in a disordered place. Moreover, the replacement would be to move Whitecrown Guards into the Launch, and that has gone disastrously, especially recently.

As you have taken an interest in Pauper's Launch, I suggest seeking out Ser Tully. He is the one coordinating Pauper's Launch from the House Rumil side. Perhaps he can field some of these suggestions. Or perhaps some of the other Adventurers?

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
It is possible, even probable, that those who benefit most from the abuse of power will see Prince Tristan as a means to retain said power. He has made it clear that those who serve him serve themselves by doing so. I will not serve Yvaine or the populace by compromising our goals in order to win favor of those actively dragging us toward destruction.

The literal ground beneath our feet seeks to swallow us, and those with the means to save us (at very little personal cost) dangle the funds necessary in return for personal favors. I understand this action seems drastic and ill-timed, but this is an act of restraint.

Tristan may make promises of restoration. We make promises of revolution. It will scare those who are comfortable with the current state of affairs, and there is no halfway with that mindset. I endeavor to grow, and growth must be done outside what is comfortable.

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
Your Royal Highness,

With all due respect... Revolution, is a dangerous word; a word that oft recalls to the third estate the promise of violence rather than salvation. If you would permit me leave, I would use it to advise that an alternate word might be preferable for fear it may be used against your most gentle person and that of the gentlewoman, Her Royal Highness Yvaine, it may be wise to take counsel with advisors and consider "reform" or "reformation" as the word chosen for the promises of your platform.

I thank you for your time in answering my question and shall observe the upcoming debate between Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince Tristan and The Crown Princess Yvaine, Archduchess Pro Tempore with great interest. Do you know if questions will be fielded from those in attendance?

Your Royal Highness's humble and obedient subject,
Doctor Atradimas of Whitehaven, D. OcSc
Goodman Sable,

...No. Imperfect a system as it may be, the gangs serve the function of keeping a sense of order in a disordered place. Moreover, the replacement would be to move Whitecrown Guards into the Launch, and that has gone disastrously, especially recently.

As you have taken an interest in Pauper's Launch, I suggest seeking out Ser Tully. He is the one coordinating Pauper's Launch from the House Rumil side. Perhaps he can field some of these suggestions. Or perhaps some of the other Adventurers?

Prince Consort Pro-Temp
Bryas Montague-Rumil
I have mat ser Tully and have had conversation with him at the last market and he had talked about the issues in pauper launch. I think I will have conversation with him on the issues of the launch at the next market.
The gangs of pauper landing wants to live in a area where they can call their own