Recent content by Strava Plot

  1. Strava Plot

    In Between Game Actions for Strava

    Those We Don't Speak Of IBGA Form!
  2. Strava Plot

    In Between Game Actions for Strava

    Shatter the Stars IBGA Form!
  3. Strava Plot

    Shatter the Stars Recap

    Shortly before the gathering of adventurers in Strava, the strange portal from Knoch'Len in Barran to Strava shuddered to a close with a faint crackling and popping of energy. Merchants and migrant craftspeople who followed our explorers (and their coin) through the portal informed them of a...
  4. Strava Plot

    In Between Game Actions for Strava

    In Between Game Actions and You! Regular Season Weekends and Faire Days If you have attended the most recent event as a player character, you may take no more than one Action during your IBGA. This action applies to the character you registered in the event. Long Break IBGAs Traditionally in...
  5. Strava Plot

    Through the Portal

    You pass through the portal from Barran, across from the Dead Walk Inn in Knoch'Len, ahead of the gather. To the left, in easy distance, a group of people have set up camp - musicians are playing, storytellers tell of the defeat of Legion and the death of the Undying King in epic poems...
  6. Strava Plot

    Who are you?

    In the dreaming, a veiled and hissing-voiced figure with a black crest of metal points on her head reaches some sleeping adventurers, snarling a warning. "I don't know who you are, why you are here, or what you think you are doing in our lands, but let me make this clear. If you harm my...
  7. Strava Plot

    Cultural Packet - Meshkantsi (Dwellers)

    Note: This information is from the perspective of, and for the background of, the Dwellers. Mist-Travelers and other playable cultures will not come into game with this information. Meshkantsi - The Dwellers Survival is paramount, and you are a part of the grand design that makes survival...
  8. Strava Plot

    Cultural Packet - Smittyari (Scavengers)

    Note: This information is from the perspective of, and for the background of, the Scavengers. Mist-Travelers and other playable cultures will not come into game with this information. Smittyari - The Scavengers Forgetting and being forgotten is a hazard of life on the surface. The Smittyari...
  9. Strava Plot

    Cultural Packet - Doslidnyky (Research League)

    Note: This information is from the perspective of, and for the background of, the Research League. Mist-Travelers and other playable cultures will not come into game with this information. Doslidnyky - The Researchers Someone has to restore this world. One way or another, it’s going to be...
  10. Strava Plot

    Last Event Recap and 2023-2024 Winter IBGAs

    Legion's bottles were destroyed in Port Morgan in accordance with the deal adventurers made with Rook and Branwen, and the plane of Port Morgan has been fully sealed off, adventurers and refugees sent home for their own protection. After Legion's defeat and near dissolution by adventurers, they...
  11. Strava Plot

    Vignette: Go to the Light

    28 Azthrayir, 1123 on Barran, night of Queens' Fall. It felt as though they had only just freed Queen Na’Rab from her imprisonment within the circle and the life that the dwarven general had given for his Queen to separate her from Varatesh. Sonya had the Queen working out of her office in...
  12. Strava Plot

    Vignette: Carrion

    During the Gather, in Barran, northwest of Knoch'len in the Barony of Valgard “I call upon Earth to grant you Life,” Branwen reached down with a clawed hand, clasping the inner forearm of one of Valgard’s champions as she gasped back to life, channeling shimmering healing aura into the...
  13. Strava Plot

    2023 Season Info

    Hello Adventurers, We are looking forward to our first event that will be happening in April. As we stated earlier in the week, we will be using the 2.1 rule set for the entire 2023 season, and we will be tracking deaths. With that being said, characters will be able to rebuild their characters...
  14. Strava Plot

    A few things for the 2023 Season.

    Hello Adventurers, I am writing to inform everyone here of some things for the upcoming season. This season will be 2.1 Rules for the entire season. Deaths will be tracked. We are still considering possibly 1 or 2 faire days as well, but those will be announced later. We would also like to let...
  15. Strava Plot

    R is for Recovery Recap (Event #4) (September 23rd to 25th)

    This is a Placeholder till the write up is complete.