Recent content by Selphiebaka

  1. Selphiebaka

    Favorite Moments Thread Labor Day Weekend 2019

    The reading of the laws of another land. Ivviivvvia Finding Bekkur far behind the back line and screaming for Plue and a life and having her magically appear and save Bekkur. The girl shield team. I loved standing ground against a bunch of lizards. Fighting the black hand orcs with Boden...
  2. Selphiebaka

    Dragonhold Council

    The new Dragonhold Council of Fort Alliance will be meeting before the next gather to go over our agenda. With this in mind, we would like to ask if there is anything that you would like us to add to our agenda. You can add anything here or personally speak with any member of the Dragon...
  3. Selphiebaka

    August 31 - Sept 2 Favorite Moments!

    I had so much fun role playing with NPCs and PC's alike. It was a blast for me. There is so much more than listed that made my weekend but these are the highlights. Getting curropted, ig it may have been the worst but oog it has been so much fun role playing with everyone about it. I almost...
  4. Selphiebaka

    Offer of Education

    I am looking for someone to train me in Parry. -Valentine
  5. Selphiebaka

    Payment Options

    It is possible that with life events I can only make Saturday of the event. Is there a price difference if we do not make the whole event? Becca