Recent content by Stormwolf

  1. S

    Fears of the Past - The History of the Montagues

    Part 2: Viceroy Magnus Montague One hundred and twenty years and two Archdukes later, the Montague family rose from the ashes of their dark legacy to reclaim power in Rathfall once more. This dramatic return was set against the backdrop of the Blight's relentless destruction, which had left the...
  2. S

    Fears of the Past - The History of the Montagues

    To the Noble Houses of Rathfall, Unbounded, and the People of Our Beloved Land, I spoke with several of the Unbounded last market about my concerns with a Montague potentially back in power. The fall of the Montague Royal Family marks a significant and tragic chapter in our shared Rathfall...
  3. S

    Looking to Borrow For Tavern: Box Fans

    Good evening everyone! With the temperature for this weekend looking to be in the high 70s/low 80s, we are looking for a few extra box fans to use in the tavern to help circulate the air around more. Thankfully the tavern does have ceiling fans and AC, however, with such a large space to cool...
  4. S

    The "Let's Not Kill Our Friends" Post Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Good day to everyone! We are now approaching the wonderful and heat intensive summer! With that said, we all know that the bugs can start to be a bit more bitey and frustrating. Everyone's go to bug spray usually contains DEET, the compound that will cause my throat to swell shut. I would ask...
  5. S

    A Call for Aid

    Good morrow to all. To those who are reading this, I am requesting a call to arms in the Mist Sphere of Kaida Senu in two weeks. At present, a kingdom known as the Empire is preparing to make a move against all nations that inhabit the Mist Sphere. They have at their disposal an artifact that...
  6. S

    A Call for Aid

    Good morrow to all. To those who are reading this, I am requesting a call to arms in the Mist Sphere of Kaida Senu in two weeks. At present, a kingdom known as the Empire is preparing to make a move against all nations that inhabit the Mist Sphere. They have at their disposal an artifact that...
  7. S

    This Coming Market, March 29th

    Good man Gabriel, If a mind altering effect has been placed upon one of our adventurers, they will not be held accountable in accordance to the stipulation "Willfully Casting". The verbiage is something we plan on addressing this weekend in tandem to the other discussions. At this moment...
  8. S

    This Coming Market, March 29th

    Goodman Kolrabi, The punishment of death for Neromancy was decided upon by the adventuring nobles that call Ikari's Hope their home with the understanding from the House Representatives. At this market, we will be setting down more permanent laws in accordance with inhabitants of the town, the...
  9. S

    This Coming Market, March 29th

    Good afternoon to all! With the market gathering a day away, I figured I would cover a few items that are unique to Kaida Senu. 1) The Town you will be staying in is referred to as Ikari’s Hope. A major feature of this town is the “Warning Bell”. Please keep weapons and such near you at all...
  10. S

    This Coming Market, November 10th-12th

    To my fellow adventurers, If it has not been brought to your attention yet through word of mouth, I wanted to make the threat marching towards our town well known. We have confirmed that a unit of Imperial Soldiers are making their way to this outpost and with the visions we received last...
  11. S

    Information on The Galdyr

    Please please tell me that these Galdyr are not related to the Brood. Do we know of any weaknesses? Alchemy, a certain elemental flavor, silver, etc? Thank you for the head's up on the enslaving part, I will be sure to have a few extra from my stocks brought with me. ~Glenn Stormwolf Guardian...
  12. S

    Panacea Creation Request

    Good morning to all. I will be in attendance at your next market gathering and was hoping to find a Brewer that would be willing to create a superior equipment Panacea or two. I have all the crafting materials as well as the 20 potions necessary. I will of course pay for your time and effort...
  13. S

    Request for the Weekend - Do you have Bags/Cornhole??

    Afternoon all! Unfortunately, I was unable to get access to the set up that I was offered from work. We are doing a little relaxing time with Bags/Cornhole at game this weekend. If you happen to have your boards/bags and are willing to bring them for others to play with, please let me know...
  14. S

    Tenting and the Chicago 3 day Event

    Good morrow to everyone! We are but a few short days away from the big 3 day event at Camp Reynoldswood! With that said, I know a few individuals have stated that they wanted to tent during this time. We are more than happy to accommodate this request. Please provide myself either a message...
  15. S

    Kaida Senu - Accountability, Town Auction and Town Splits

    Welcome to Kaida Senu fellow adventurers and travelers! As many of you make your way into these lands, I would ask the following of you. 1) Please have your name written down for accountability and loot splits upon your arrival. There will be a large piece of parchment that will allow for...