The "Let's Not Kill Our Friends" Post Part 2: Electric Boogaloo


Chicago Staff
Good day to everyone!

We are now approaching the wonderful and heat intensive summer! With that said, we all know that the bugs can start to be a bit more bitey and frustrating. Everyone's go to bug spray usually contains DEET, the compound that will cause my throat to swell shut. I would ask the following two things:

1) If you want use DEET, awesome! Please do not spray it around doors or inside buildings and give yourself about 10 minutes to absorb the chemicals.
2) If you don't want to use DEET, please come see me! I bring 2-3 cans of non-DEET bug spray that work just as well.

Furthermore, one of our amazing Plot Leads (Thomas), has an airborne allergy to mint. This can be triggered from something as simple as chewing mint gum or brewing something with mint included in it. Please be considerate when choosing to use these items as we want all of us to have a safe and healthy time at larp.

Thank you!