Recent content by Venrick

  1. V

    Starting Equipment as either Superior or Magic items

    With the implementation of Superior Items and 50+ new rituals, will players be able to allocate their starting equipment funds to either of these?
  2. V

    Superior items: ingredients vs target

    With the implementation of superior items, the question arose regarding the required ingredients and the targeted item. Some superior items require X crafting materials and 1 specific item (like a source) for example like the Inscription Rod of Eldritch Berserking. Is the ingredient source the...
  3. V

    Evodia Season 5: Tides of Chaos - Holding Out for Some Heroes

    What is the chapter's stance on non-item based reps? For example, do all light sources require a spell/coating as listed above, or can you use a battery operated candle?
  4. V

    IMPORTANT! Check in process for castle event and relevant setup information.

    For sake of corraling PCs, where will PC Talk place?
  5. V

    Tasks for Next Market - May

    Find a safe place for dragon orbs to be stored.
  6. V

    Donation Request: Packets!

    I have a total of 550 packets coming your way.
  7. V

    In Search of Spirit Forge and Catalyst

    Thank you both for the info. I greatly appreciate it. I may reach out to you privately in the future depending on how conversations go, bjt i shall start with Roff. At this time, my personal adventuring times are up in the air. I may have some duties that require me elsewhere (I am planning to...
  8. V

    In Search of Spirit Forge and Catalyst

    Good day Adventurers! As the title suggests, I am looking to procure a Spirit Forge ritual and the associated Catalyst. Should you have one in your possession, or know of another who may have one or either, please reach put at your earliest convenience. With this recent snowfall, I've begun...
  9. V

    Erabellan Adventurers Donation Drive

    I have a list currently written up. The one exception is that I believe we have some curative potions that are in Mint's possession that I forgot to get back from her when we were last together. Please see the below forms...
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    Erabellan Adventurers Donation Drive

    Looking at weapons, we've got at least 1 of each basic type. We've got a handful of cure wound potions as well, but it would be nice to have some more to hand out to fresh faces in our community. And with recent events transporting, it would be nice to have a supply of Enslavement Antidotes as...
  11. V

    End of Season Event Name Challange

    Was an announcement made for this that I missed?
  12. V

    Erabellan Adventurers Donation Drive

    Good day fellow adventurers! For those of you who have not heard, Mint and I have recently been given the task of monitoring and administering equipment from the Erabellan Adventuring Town Box. In the past, when something was needed for the Greater of all Erabella, such as a ritual scroll or...
  13. V

    Starbreaker Trading & Bazaar October '23

    Ignathis, I would be happy to. We can discuss the price either in private or when we meet face to face, just let me know. Venrick
  14. V

    Starbreaker Trading & Bazaar October '23

    Good day Willem! I look forward to meeting you in person. In the meantime, questions are always welcome. I haven't traveled to other mistspheres myself, so I can't say for certain if we have different laws than elsewhere. Simply put, the standard laws of no necromancy, no murder are the ones...
  15. V

    Starbreaker Trading & Bazaar October '23

    Well if you happen to find yourself in Evodia, I will happily help you out! Venrick