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  1. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    In the same vein, how often do you see a physical challenge mod? One where the player has to be able to, say, run a mile at the drop of a hat to succeed, or climb a tree, or deadlift a couple hundred pounds? Traps remain one of the few parts of the game reliant almost entirely on oog factors...
  2. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    That seems right in line with the 'be all you can't be' philosophy. Rogues as a class thematically should have an answer to traps based on build, for those folks who want to play them but aren't terribly dextrous. Honestly, if I were designing it from scratch, it would be an ability to let a...
  3. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    I think a lot of the reason they're so rare in the midwest, from the player side, is simply that they dont do enough to be worth their cost right now. The enemies you'd want to hit with them to make the coin expenditure worthwhile aren't going to be meaningfully hurt by them.
  4. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    Interesting. Cultural difference, I'd assume. I don't really expect to see it here, as I can count the number of traps I've seen in the last few years on one hand. Hopefully that's going to change. :)
  5. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    Given that it's a ritual effect (although someone with the DB will have to confirm how many components per charge we're talking), I don't really see it being that common. Although it's high on my list of things to get, as I play a trap-user.
  6. Muir

    [.11] Seattle | November 9-11 | Thoughts and musings

    Bryan, what about Trap Avoidance seemed off? It's something I'm very interested in, and if it has issues, I'd love to hear about them in advance. I don't really see it as an 'easy way out' of traps, given that the current status quo with them is 'have the guy in rendered armor/arcane hand off...
  7. Muir

    plastic potion bottles

    Yeah, that's what I get for trying to do geometry at 4AM. :P Good catch!
  8. Muir

    Goodbye, dearest of friends.

    Luck in your next step, Solar Asura. The Guild is getting a powerful resource in the knowledge and wisdom you bring to bear, and I hope you are as well appreciated as you deserve. -Nikolai
  9. Muir

    plastic potion bottles

    Doing some rough math: .25 us fl oz of water at nominal pressure is 0.4511719 in³ A 1 1/2" x 3/4" diameter cylindrical bottle is at most 2.65 in³. That said, checking your link Mechtofd, I wouldn't use those bottles. They've gotten bad reviews for shattering during shipping, and if they can't...
  10. Muir

    [.11] Making Crafters more versatile

    Expect feedback once next season starts and I can get some full 2.0 events in. New system has tempted me into going big on crafting skills.
  11. Muir

    [.11] Making Crafters more versatile

    10pt Vorpal for 40pp, coats 4 arrows or bolts for +10 damage each with a workshop, which comes out to 1 damage per pp. 5pt Vorpals are even cheaper per damage at 1 damage per .75pp, but have a lower ceiling. Since coated bolts no longer last past the weekend, there's no advantage to not using...
  12. Muir

    [.11] Making Crafters more versatile

    I point out that this would be a large power-per-point increase for anyone who dipped into Alchemy as an archer. Cheap vorpals all day, and the same goes for any other coin-fed cross class. It'd make my traps feel a lot more useful, though. Mind you, I'm not sure how common those are outside...
  13. Muir

    [.11] Alternative Life Idea

    Yeah, and of those: CSS: Being removed IIRC Curse of Undeath: Illegal in-game by setting fiat at a national level for main-line Fortannis games, last I checked. Regeneration: Functional but limited alternative that is very, very expensive and limited by ritual scroll drops. Sacrifice: Just...
  14. Muir

    [.11] Alternative Life Idea

    I think it would be useful to answer this question up front: What positive effect on the gameplay experience does restricting life to Earth Casters provide?