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  1. Muir

    Biata feathers help

    Josh, do you use barrier spray? I've always found that putting down a layer of that over clean, dry skin first makes spirit gum last a lot better without rotting because it keeps you from sweating beneath it.
  2. Muir

    Alliance 2.0 Rulebook: Beta 2

    I went looking and couldn't find it. Is the 20-rit cap for a single item specified anywhere in the rulebook?
  3. Muir

    Alliance 2.0 Rulebook: Beta 2

    They're on the forums.
  4. Muir

    Alliance 2.0 Players Guide: Beta 2

    A few notes so far: "Start a school. Every player needs other players to teach them skills they need. Maybe you can train people in real skills as well as game skills. It is one thing to teach someone the in-game skill Create Trap but it is another thing entirely to teach them out-of-game how...
  5. Muir

    IC/OOC reagent Storing

    For storage at home, I use Plano boxes. At game, they generally hang out in a small lockbox, with each type tied together into a bundle, although I don't often have enough of them to need that much since everything at the games I play in gets auctioned and I don't care to pay what the people...
  6. Muir

    Removal of teacher skill

    I'm perfectly aware of the 'benefits', and don't appreciate being condescended to, because I find in practice those benefits are wildly overstated. Nothing about the existence of Teacher forces anyone to actually interact with a new player looking to add a skill to their character's sheet...
  7. Muir

    Removal of teacher skill

    Nothing stops you from roleplaying teaching someone something. They simply aren't refused the to spend xp until you have.
  8. Muir

    Proclamation of the Adventurers

    Not to put too fine a point on it, Squires, but in the eyes of the Royalists most of those we'd call adventurers are absolutely murderers, thieves, and outlaws. The law lies as always in the hands of the winners on any given battlefield. -Nikolai
  9. Muir

    Removal of teacher skill

    An excellent decision and I laud the Owners for making it and whoever proposed it. We should never be in a position where a player cannot spend OOG resources (XP) because they are not sufficiently well-known either in or out of game for someone else to enable that expenditure.
  10. Muir

    A new challenger appears!

    Uprooted is a favorite of mine. Her prose can be a bit dense, but it's quite beautiful.
  11. Muir

    A new challenger appears!

    Everyone else seems to have chimed in on the logistic parts, but I can't help a reply here. :) I play Pathfinder, and have been an off and on GM for Shadowrun for 20+ years now. Currently really excited for a game I supported through Kickstarter called Hard Wired Island, which is...
  12. Muir

    Alliance 2.0 Rulebook: Beta 2

    In the medieval period it was not uncommon for scribes to be illiterate and simply copying by rote. Beyond that, reading and writing is no longer gated behind Educated, so I see no reason why one's penmanship would be based on ability to create production items. :)
  13. Muir

    ARB: Alliance Rulebook Beta Feedback

    Polearms are not blunts by definition, as demonstrated by Dryads being unable to use them in the old rules (and if you want to go further back, Sarr being able to use them). The longest blunt weapon is Staff.
  14. Muir

    July Blacksmithing Services - Cass

    If you still have time remaining, I would be quite happy to to fill it out with up to five light thrown weapons. Mine appear to have been sold to fund something more important at the time, and I find I miss them. -Nikolai
  15. Muir


    Should be good, realized I forgot to do the local PR form.
  16. Muir

    Enhance Signature Spell + United Blow

    The current text does not clarify, can Enhance Signature Spell be used to double the value of a Signature Spell for purposes of using it with United Blow?
  17. Muir

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    Very much the same here.
  18. Muir


    I'm familiar with Stearns, but does the side we're using have showers? I honestly can't remember, it's been a couple years. :)
  19. Muir

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    Artisans are not prevented from being in combat, so they are absolutely not safe to play while impaired. Even pages are not safe to be played while impaired, because the player is still responsible for being able to safely get themselves away from combat when possible.
  20. Muir

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    I think it could definitely use clarification. Maybe reword it as 'You cannot play this game while impaired, no matter the source.' or similar?