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  1. Z

    In need of weapon building stuff

    Thank you Evad, for this moment in history.... you are my god. See you soon enough! Travis ps if you want to get ahold of me quicker my AIM is DieTrying37 half the time I am bored at my comp so I am always up for a nero chat
  2. Z

    In need of weapon building stuff

    Huh never head of that. Well I am looking to make a two handed sword. I live out of the U District in Seattle. Personally I need some weight in my weapons so I am looking for cpvc or pvc pipe and good old fashioned, heavy as hell, colored duct tape (black most importantly). Problem is everywhere...
  3. Z

    Place to stay and some work...

    No no I am not Romani. Often times in my home lands we refer to market days as gatherings. This was due to the fact we lived in barbarian lands and had many an encounter with sprits. As such they would call our meetings gatherings. The name stuck. Forgive my strange tounge, I only make mistakes...
  4. Z

    In need of weapon building stuff

    That would be most kind but I have been away from Nero for a while and it pains me as is that I can't find the stuff to make a weapon with in the first place. Thank you in advance. By the way... what is fnoodle? Travis
  5. Z

    Place to stay and some work...

    Am I incorrect in sending this message here? I was under the impression that there would be something of a gathering this comming weekend. Zane
  6. Z

    Place to stay and some work...

    Good People, My name is Zane Al'Vera and I am soon to be attending the gathering. I am in need of work and a place to stay. I am a warrior of some small skill. I make a decent body guard (aka a meat shield) or make good front line fodder. I will work where ever needed though. Should a tavern...
  7. Z

    In need of weapon building stuff

    I am new to the area and I have been very unsuccessful in finding proper weapon building materials. Is there anyone that can bring a small supply for a 2 handed weapon? I will pay you back in full for the service of course. Please help a fellow Nero junky out... Thank you much Travis...