Place to stay and some work...


Good People,

My name is Zane Al'Vera and I am soon to be attending the gathering. I am in need of work and a place to stay. I am a warrior of some small skill. I make a decent body guard (aka a meat shield) or make good front line fodder. I will work where ever needed though. Should a tavern need a dish washer I would be happy to assist the town anyway I can. Please contact me here or privately and I thank you in advance.

Zane Al'Vera
What gathering are you speaking of? I wasn't aware that there was a gathering of some kind occuring anywhere around Crocevia Fatuae.

Ah well, if you find yourself in Crocevia and in need of a place to stay, you can purchase a room at Lorenzo's tavern, or, if his prices are too steep and you cannot find elsewhere to stay, the Earth Guild always has beds available.
Am I incorrect in sending this message here? I was under the impression that there would be something of a gathering this comming weekend.

Greetings Zane,

The Ducal Army is currently recruiting for the local guard, if you are interested I would be more then happy to meet with you within the week to discuss your interest as well as a position.
I hope your travels here are safe,

Captin Slice
Ducal Army
House Zodiac
Well, the good Merchant Kauss should be returning within the next day or so with the Conte's caravan from Etchland. Perhaps you mean that? Generally, if there's to be some sort of gathering it is announced for all to see. Most of us just live here.
Oh, yes, the Earth Guild also currently has positions available. There's a notice around the Dreaming about it if you'd like more information on that. Or send me a note. Or just drop by the guildhall.
Well, Triana, Derek and I will be returning from Nazar shortly as well, so there will also be something of a Romani gathering I suppose. Are you perhaps Rom?

PS. Hey Slice, you want anything while I'm here?
No no I am not Romani. Often times in my home lands we refer to market days as gatherings. This was due to the fact we lived in barbarian lands and had many an encounter with sprits. As such they would call our meetings gatherings. The name stuck. Forgive my strange tounge, I only make mistakes out of ignorence.


I am currently working/running the tavern while everyone else is away. If you would like I can get you a room to stay in. Also I am sure you could make a few silver helping me out. I can be found either at the tavern or at the earth guild, or just around.
ohh im glad to hear of other Romani ot be in this area i was afraid i would be all alone, im am ne to the area and have forgotent where i left my caravan, thatin it self is a long story that you will have to ask me in person, all i can remeber is my name and why i have been sent here and that is also a long story that i do not with to bore the gaja with
Veshengo said:
ohh im glad to hear of other Romani ot be in this area i was afraid i would be all alone,
Dah... actually our family commonly wanders these lands. There are upwards of seventeen of us, not including Papa's family or the Cheiv'Dier tribe. We are all very friendly and will be having a party each night, every night as usual.

If you find yourself wandering or in need of a friendly place to sit for a while just stop by our vardas across from the healer's guild. Either that or you can probably find Mykell trying to catch one of our animals as I think he recently left the pen open. You can also find Kerjal or Derrek looking up some obscure knowledge in our books or perhaps even find Trianna sneaking a few sips of our vodka when she thinks no one is looking.

Of course if you want to find me, I'm probably watching you... I have a tendancy to keep a close eye on other rom, so just do something bad and I'll come lecture you on the right way to do it.

Good travels-

I am in need of a warm place to stay wile im in this area, if you and yours have room for me it would be very nice, or else i dread ending up staying with gaja i do not know.
Balryn, you know very well you GIVE me that vodka, or i've brought it myself. *tsK* I must say, however, I'm looking forward to seeing my brothers again, it's been far too long.

-Triana Devorjk Laetshi
But not your sisters? Are they forgotten? Do you not miss them? And to think, nobody believes me when I say that Romani women are lonely and need extra companionship.

haha, Polare you seem to look for female companionship where ever you can possibly find it.
Too bad I wont be around to have more conversations with you this time.
Hey Polare,

Nice to hear from you. How have you been?
Polare Lissenstine said:
But not your sisters? Are they forgotten? Do you not miss them? And to think, nobody believes me when I say that Romani women are lonely and need extra companionship.


Of course i miss my sister! (as I've only met one in this land) I had heard that she will not be in town when we arrive. Now I simply have to wait until our wandering paths cross. There seem to be few Romani women traveling through this area, so I must say you have a point. I do miss another Romani woman to talk to.

-Triana Devorjk Laetshi
Hruia, indeed... Let us simply say that I, as a discerning male of taste, find that female companionship seems to find me .

Aeris, greetings! I will be back in Crocevia again this weekend and I expect our paths will cross, as I would like to speak to you on some matters. I also need to find how your training has gone over the summer -- I hope you are prepared for the drills. I'm sure that you will succeed admirably in displaying your skills in magery for Gregor and I, no?

Triana, that is good to know. Know that I, for one, am a diligent worker in the cause of making Dagliano more, shall we say, welcoming and hospitable for the Romani women.


Gregor is comeing back? and err...Yes I have been working on my drills....but not often. We can work on them lots this weekend though. Oh may I please stay with you and my Uncle? I will look for you tomorrow night, if I can.
