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  1. N

    People who needs rides, This is a call to arms!

    Super man to the rescue kids! Yo Nate, gimme a holler. Gid an' I'll be picking up Cynthia from Oregon when we come up. If you guys get real desperate we could go on up to Seattle, crash for a few hours, pick y'all up and then head out to camp. I would expect some money for gas, and y'all to...
  2. N


    Wellllllll, turns out I'll be going to this event sooooo, Stephanie I can take you back to Potland no problem, and Polare, I can take you back as well if it's needed. Jonno
  3. N

    No event?

    Ok, wow looks like I spoke too soon. My event fee and what not is paid so I'll be coming up from Cali. *dance of joy* Contact me here, or through Yahoo (nikos_sonus) e-mail or IM, and we can work out the details. Jonno
  4. N

    No event?

    Sorry, but don't think anyone's coming up for this event. Money's pretty hard to come by down here right now so I wouldn't expect to see any of us up this time around. If I hear anyone say they're going up though, I'll direct'em to you. Jonathan
  5. N

    High level ennui.

    Here's what I posted on the HQ board, BTW the flamewar has pretty much ended. Highbie ennui is something that every game faces whether it's table top, LARP, MMO, eventually you hit a point where you feel like you've done everything. Depending on the game you may very well have. People...
  6. N

    East coast trek?

    ...and May is my finals month.
  7. N

    East coast trek?

    Another alternative to plain is train. The initial rates are comparable, but Amtrak has this neat thing where the more people that buy a fare as part of a group the lower the individual fares cost. In other words, bigger group, smaller ticket price. Something to consider...and I'd definitely...
  8. N

    New Logistician!!

    Having done logistics...ALOT...I must offer you my condolences. I'll be sure to send a pretty flower arrangement to the funeral.
  9. N

    Almost Game Time!

    Evil will come to you from the south...
  10. N

    Do you larp to much?

    76, and still going to school full time, working 20+ hrs a week, managing a band, and finding time for a life outside of game...Hercules was a bitch!!
  11. N

    Missing Book

    I left the book in the guild after we were done Sara, don't know what happened to it afterwards. Jonno