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  1. Durnic

    Alliance Oregon Ban List

    Name Duration Notes Dallas Esplin Temporary Indefinite Option for 4 games, harassment Policy Rollin Frank Permanent Seattle mirror Matt Wagner Temporary 1 year from first Alliance Seattle game post-Covid Seattle mirror Gabriel De Los Angeles Temporary Indefinite Option for 6 games...
  2. Durnic

    An Apology from Staff to our Players

    Dear friends of Alliance Oregon, The staff of the Oregon chapter would like to apologize for some insensitive actions taken recently. In a poorly-conceived - though well-intentioned - series of actions, we tagged a bunch of old photos with disclaimers. The result was three-fold: these old...
  3. Durnic

    Black Lives Matter and Harassment in LARP

    Here is another resource I found particularly helpful: Not just this article specifically, but the entire website.
  4. Durnic

    Event Schedule 2020

  5. Durnic

    Black Lives Matter and Harassment in LARP

    Hi everyone, We don’t usually speak about non-LARP topics in this group, but to be silent at this time in American history is to ignore the ways in which the real world affects our game. To start with: Black Lives Matter. The US has a racism problem, and this racism problem extends into our...
  6. Durnic

    May & June 2020 A'A Tavern Night Favorite Moments

    I had to jet early but the flirting between Squire Theah and Tadeusz for adorable.
  7. Durnic

    That one thing you bought.

    Footwear is huge.
  8. Durnic

    That one thing you bought.

    Baseball card organizer sheets for use in a binder to categorize my tags. Super cheap, ultra effective. Downside is, of course, that it isn't in-genre in any way.
  9. Durnic

    Event Schedule 2020

    Updated to include the two canceled events due to COVID-19 and the rescheduled May event to end of July/beginning of August.
  10. Durnic

    [COVID-19] May Event Canceled

    We regret to inform you that we will be canceling the Alliance LARP Oregon May event due do the "stay home stay safe" laws still in effect around the nation. This announcement is unlikely to surprise any of you but the safety of our playership and staff is still of absolute top priority. As...
  11. Durnic

    Platinum legal currency

    The top left is definitely the "starburst" that we used to order on one side of our coinage, but the other designs are totally alien to me.
  12. Durnic

    [COVID-19] April Event Canceled

    Between the announcements made to limit congregations of large numbers of people from both the CDC and the Oregon government, we regret to inform you that we will be canceling the Alliance LARP Oregon April event. This is absolutely the right call to make considering the safety of our...
  13. Durnic

    [COVID-19] Infection Announcement

    At this point in time Alliance Oregon is not planning on canceling our April event. We are monitoring the situation as it is unfolding and it is possible that this will change. If we do decide to cancel an event we will do so with as much notice as we can muster and we will follow our official...
  14. Durnic

    [Donations] Halp! We need packets, precious!

    Tell me more about this "chunk". Is it quantifiable? :D
  15. Durnic

    Then the Winged Hussars arrived...

    Then the Winged Hussars arrived...
  16. Durnic

    Most Sold Back Skill Infograph March 2020

    Man who is selling back Mettle? I love me some Mettle. More Mettles!
  17. Durnic

    Helpful Information Links

    Added the ritual link.
  18. Durnic

    Collecting Information from February Gather

    Hopefully after "divide power".
  19. Durnic

    February 2020 A'A Event Favorite Moments

    Here's another: Morriden: "Hey Durnic, how does the law work in regards to Baneing back an Enslavement?" Durnic: "I kill you and turn myself in." Morriden: "Oh."
  20. Durnic

    [Donations] Halp! We need packets, precious!

    It was announced at closing that we had a bit of a mishap when one of our popups blew over, knocking down all of the cover around our packet bins and destroying an uncomfortable amount of them. In order to properly kill you run combat in the future, we will need to ask the community to come...