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  1. Durnic

    February 2020 A'A Event Favorite Moments

    Aqua, ofc. Panda failing miserably at being a wingman: Panda: "Are you flirting, Durnic?!" Durnic: "Well, I was." Aqua: *unfolds fan, hides face* Panda: "I'm a great wingman!" Going to Aqua's second so they could inform Durnic what kind of sweets she likes. Later receiving a coded message...
  2. Durnic

    Aer'Astria 2/20 Event Feedback

    I heard you like void portals so I put a void tear in your feedback form so you can void have your mind slowly destroyed by abyssal otherworldly creatures while you feedback. (That is a terrible use of that meme, don't do that.) We love feedback! Plot reads every single one of these, no...
  3. Durnic

    February 2020 A'A Event Favorite Moments

    I'll post something more tomorrow but for tonight:
  4. Durnic

    New Oregon Downtime Policy! Tell your friends!

    You mean kind of how a personal downtime can have someone go one way and yet their group downtime can have them go the opposite direction? :P
  5. Durnic

    Notice of Cancellation of the January 2020 Broken Shards Event

    Follow ups for the Broken Shards downtimes are due by 11:59pm two Mondays from now, the 27th.
  6. Durnic

    How does Knighting in your lands work?

    For Sedovia you had to meet some requirements: Be in good legal standing with the Crown. Be a citizen of the land. Since I wasn't originally, I had to take a Citizenship Test. Be interviewed by a panel of current Silver Blades. OOG, you had to agree to our PC Leadership Policy which if you're...
  7. Durnic

    Notice of Cancellation of the January 2020 Broken Shards Event

    The level cap will not change. It is like we're sliding the entire event six months into the future.
  8. Durnic

    Notice of Cancellation of the January 2020 Broken Shards Event

    Announcement It is with a heavy heart that we, the staff of Alliance LARP Oregon, have to announce the cancellation of the January 2020 event taking place in the Broken Shards campaign. We have taken a lot of information into account before coming to this decision, but for those curious here...
  9. Durnic


    Awww yeah! Oregon has had our own low-level alt campaign for a year now and we love it. We're having our third event in just a couple of weeks! Good luck!
  10. Durnic

    New Player Representative Announcement

    It is with great enthusiasm that I announce our newest staff member, @chantellw! She has already been taking over the reins as our New Player Representative over the last week or so, I just haven't announced it because I am absentminded. We are excited to work with Chantell moving forward.
  11. Durnic

    December 2019 A'A Event Favorite Moments

    I will start! These are in absolutely no particular order, just brain vomit through my keyboard onto a screen. The standoff between Aqua and Orelianna (I probably butchered that name) in the tavern and alllll of the ensuing RP that came out of it. The deal to get the Mark removed, discussing...
  12. Durnic

    Alliance Oregon 12/19 Event Feedback

    Feedback form is up for the 12/19 gather! Feedback is very important to us and I guarantee you all that the Plot teams read every single one. If you wish to give anonymous feedback the form does support that, so...
  13. Durnic

    December Afters Location Poll

    Good choice! They have beer...
  14. Durnic

    Alliance Oregon Donation Drive

    If you missed the Facebook video of me keeping to my word and shaving my illustrious beard after we absolutely shattered the goals set forth by this year's donation drive, here is the YouTube upload:
  15. Durnic

    Behold the SHAVED BEAR

    If you missed the Facebook video of me keeping to my word and shaving my illustrious beard after we absolutely shattered the goals set forth by this year's donation drive, here is the YouTube upload:
  16. Durnic

    Behold the SHAVED BEAR

    And the shaved Durnic! GAZE UPON THE HORROR AND WEEP
  17. Durnic

    How to fix Doom Blow, your thoughts?

    Someone got monkey paw'd. :D
  18. Durnic

    Beep beep I'm a Jeep.

    Beep beep I'm a Jeep.
  19. Durnic

    Open Position: New Player Representative

    Hello Alliance Oregonians! With Krystina stepping down out of the New Player Representative position within the chapter, that means that we are looking for someone to step up and take over the mantle she has so readily and effectively filled for the last several years. This is a very important...