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  1. KialdaLoa

    Discovering the Citizen Races of The Isle of Khar-Durai

    High Orcs "When da Power of Body meet da Power of Mind, we make da Power of Will. We Keep Center." When adventurers responded to the call to clear the camp of Bandit's Recess on the western coast, they were met by the Orc ambassador and captain, Mala'Tulu of Orc'Kra-Dram. Embarking westwards...
  2. KialdaLoa

    8/25-27/23 "Spring's Fruition" Event (Rescheduled!) PLAYER LIST!

    Plot Teaser! "Spring's Fruition": Spring has come to Mer, and the kingdom of Cinderfel and its allies find themselves embroiled in war once more. Levomire and his army already hold the majority of the continent and now threaten to spill across the rest of it. Yet, war is not the only threat in...
  3. KialdaLoa

    *New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING!

    Guess what, you wonderful nerds!! --- WE GOT TO PLAY AT NH THIS WEEKEND!!!!! We have something to say to everyone who donated and helped out! Y'all are an amazing community! Efforts are ongoing! Donate at PayPal: Rewards: - 10:1 Goblin Stamps per $. - Donations over...
  4. KialdaLoa

    July 2023 Isle Event: "A Call For Refuge" FAVORITES!

    Howdy friends! What an amazing weekend after such a long break! Loved seeing you all!! Please feel free to immediately reminisce and share all your excitement and enjoyment from you ~FAVORITE Moments~ of our event this weekend! (Post here and/or in our facebook group!)
  5. KialdaLoa

    Thank you!

    It was so amazing to meet and play with you and Bec! Such awesome veteran stories and magical new-player energy... Thank you both for adding so much to our game! And for continuing that very special generational tradition of parents LARPing with their kids! We get that a lot at our chapter and...
  6. KialdaLoa

    *New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING!

    Update: All Dragon Stamp rewards have been claimed! Any additional donations of $100+ will receive LCO Magic Items!
  7. KialdaLoa


    Update: All Dragon Stamp rewards have been claimed! Any additional donations of $100+ will receive LCO Magic Items!
  8. KialdaLoa

    *New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING!

    Anyone local to NH free this Saturday? Want 1,000 Goblin Stamps? WE GOT PLANS!!
  9. KialdaLoa


    *Alliance New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING! Paypal: UPDATE: Gravel delivery was delayed from the company!! Work day postponed! Will update with new date asap!
  10. KialdaLoa

    *New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING!

    *Alliance New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING! Paypal: ~ As many of you may know, there has been significant rain and flooding across New England these days. Sadly, our LARP site has flooded out multiple times; so far, two of our events at Alliance...
  11. KialdaLoa


    RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING! Paypal: ~ As many of you may know, there has been significant rain and flooding across New England these days. Sadly, our LARP site has flooded out multiple times; so far, two of our events at Alliance New Hampshire had to be canceled. A lot of...
  12. KialdaLoa

    7/28-30/23 Isle Weekend: "A Call for Refuge" (rescheduled!) PLAYER LIST

    EVENT RESCHEDULED: "A Call for Refuge" The neighboring continent of Unmei is entering a brutal phase of war. Innocent refugees look to flee, to keep themselves safe from the turmoil. The nearby Isle of Khar-Durai, with much uncharted territory, seems a perfect place for them to call home… Or...
  13. KialdaLoa

    The Isle of Khar-Durai: Campaign Effects and Policies

    Here is some information about phenomena on The Isle of Khar-Durai that adventurers have discovered in the past few years. Please bear it in mind for your character when attending Isle events: Emanation: - Emanation is an ongoing effect that PCs who are not native to the Isle of Khar-Durai...
  14. KialdaLoa

    *CANCELED due to flooding* June 30 - July 2 Event: "Spring's Fruition" PLAYER LIST

    *official weather update* Dear Alliance New Hampshire Players, I regret to inform you that due to the unusual weather conditions we have been experiencing, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the upcoming event. I offer my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. The...
  15. KialdaLoa

    *CANCELED due to flooding* June 30 - July 2 Event: "Spring's Fruition" PLAYER LIST

    Thanks so much to everyone who got their CMA info registered by our goal date of Tuesday! Logistics will go so much better now! Two things: - It's not too late to sign up and come to the event!! (full price is $65!) - WE NEED NPCs!!!! (NPCing is FREE! And we are currently at our ratio...
  16. KialdaLoa

    *CANCELED due to flooding* June 30 - July 2 Event: "Spring's Fruition" PLAYER LIST

    Our next event's plot teaser has been announced! Spring's Fruition: Spring has come to Mer, and the kingdom of Cinderfel and its allies find themselves embroiled in war once more. Levomire and his army already hold the majority of the continent and now threaten to spill across the rest of...
  17. KialdaLoa

    *STORM CANCELLATION* June 17 event

    We had hoped to run an Isle Faireday: Call for Refuge tomorrow. HOWEVER - ****** ANNOUNCEMENT ****** Our locals just returned from the site with bad news. It is currently just shy of flooding, with a whole day of rain to come tomorrow. Even worse, the predicted rain for Saturday keeps...
  18. KialdaLoa

    6.17.23: "A Call for Refuge" Faireday PLAYER LIST

    ****** ANNOUNCEMENT ****** Our locals just returned from the site with bad news. It is currently just shy of flooding, with a whole day of rain to come tomorrow. Even worse, the predicted rain for Saturday keeps getting worse AND includes lightning. Unfortunately, we will need to cancel our...
  19. KialdaLoa

    6.17.23: "A Call for Refuge" Faireday PLAYER LIST

    Note: - PCs above 150xp can use the ***FREEPLAY CMA*** to build the lower-level stat card and register it for the event!: - PCs at or below 150xp only need the above TWO steps to register! --> By 11:59pm on Saturday, June 3rd, and it's only $35...
  20. KialdaLoa

    6.17.23: "A Call for Refuge" Faireday PLAYER LIST

    PLOT TEASER ANNOUNCED: "A Call for Refuge" The neighboring continent of Unmei is entering a brutal phase of war. Innocent refugees look to flee, to keep themselves safe from the turmoil. The nearby Isle of Khar-Durai, with much uncharted territory, seems a perfect place for them to call home…...