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  1. Gandian Ravenscroft

    The Current State of All Our Problems!

    That sounds about right! Does anyone know any information about those two that might help? What're they up to? What're their abilities? ~ Silp
  2. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Discord and Mid Nov IBGA?

    With the upcoming event so close, we will not be doing IBGAs this time around. Sorry for any inconvenience! As to the Discord, it is still a thing, but I'm largely not Discord-savvy and have no idea how to invite people. Can someone figure that out?
  3. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Nationals 2020 Cash Donation Drive!!

    "What about props, costuming, and other non-cash donations for the National Event? Those are a thing, right?" I hear you ask. Those are absolutely a thing - just not quite yet! Separate information regarding "stuff" donations will be posted in the coming months as specific preparations are...
  4. Gandian Ravenscroft

    There is work to be done.

    The warm breezes and verdant colors of Summer have come and gone - Now is the time of crisp winds, fallen leaves, and shortened days. But the diligent farmer takes advantage of every last minute during days of gathering! From seed to fruit, our crops have grown, and the harvest is now upon us...
  5. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Why don't you NPC?

    When I first started playing, I didn't even consider NPCing whatsoever because I didn't want to miss any of the plot, treasure, or character growth that comes with PCing, so I definitely understand that mindset for a lot of people. Nowadays, though, my characters have all the skills they need...
  6. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Call for Scrolls

    Auryn, I believe I have at least a handful of Wall of Force scrolls in my supplies, and I would be happy to offer them for sale. Unfortunately, the reason some useful-but-situational spells like Solidifies and Enhanced Blades always seem to be lacking in abundance is because you can't...
  7. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Thinking of making some NPC tunics...

    You have no idea how much I support this. :)
  8. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Alliance 2.0 Rulebook: Beta 2

    I brought that up during the last round of feedback, to no avail.
  9. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Bad OOG Ritual Flaws/Backlashes

    My intention would be a "going forward" solution - no reprinting and none of the hassle that goes with that. Newly-generated scrolls going forward simply wouldn't have the bad flaws, and if you rolled one of them on an older scroll, there would be a common, accepted protocol in place for having...
  10. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Bad OOG Ritual Flaws/Backlashes

    Believe me, I'm no stranger to the tedious backend logistical type of work that people don't typically remember is a part of the LARP running experience. :)
  11. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Bad OOG Ritual Flaws/Backlashes

    That's fine, as long as chapters are reasonably accommodating for players if these flaws pop up and are problematic. Eh, it's really not a lot of work. Heck, consider it done in the next day or two depending on my post-work workload. Plus, it gives me the chance to remove other problematic...
  12. Gandian Ravenscroft

    2019 Donations

    Also, I believe the "no blue or orange" comment was for packet colors, not costuming in general. I'm pretty sure any colors are game for costuming.
  13. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Bad OOG Ritual Flaws/Backlashes

    Specific flaws may indeed be edited to be a chapter- or ever scroll- specific, but that doesn't change the fact that these bad flaws are "standard" with the ritual database and are going to appear in every chapter without being specifically edited out. Unless we as a national initiative remove...
  14. Gandian Ravenscroft

    The Current State of All Our Problems!

    Silver Spectres: Sounds like we've got a plan for takin' them out! Does anyone in particular want to head up that attack at the next gatherin'? Stone Elves Gettin' Gold Elfed: Do we have any idea how the Gold Elf is changin' Stone Elves? 'Cause usually you gotta be pretty powerful to just race...
  15. Gandian Ravenscroft

    The Current State of All Our Problems!

    Hi Lightning! Good to hear you're adventurin' around here again! It's been a while since I saw you! Silver Phantoms: What are we talkin' about, where are they, and how do we beat 'em? ~ Silp
  16. Gandian Ravenscroft

    The Current State of All Our Problems!

    Thanks for getting the ball rollin', Corbell! I actually don't know a ton about My Duke Raash's past stuff from before I met him, but I can try to help you out with your poem! Crow Tribe: What is this "table" you're talkin' about and how does it work? Dumyuk: "Collectively" havin' the...
  17. Gandian Ravenscroft

    The Current State of All Our Problems!

    Hi everybody! It's Silp! So, I've been takin' a break from adventurin' in Wayside for a bit, and I imagine I'm gettin' a little behind the times on what kinda stuff has been goin' on, and I thought to myself, "Self, you're probably not alone in not knowin' what's up! There are probably lots of...
  18. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Is Divestiture Spellcraftable?

    Along the same vein: The Mark/Unmark scroll interestingly now seems to specifically allow spellcraftable Unmarks: "I CALL UPON THE POWER OF <aspect> MAGIC TO CRAFT THE MARK/UNMARK <declare choices> Ritual" I don't reckon that's intentional, especially since the old scroll used to specify that...
  19. Gandian Ravenscroft

    August Event Favorites!

    Thanks to everyone for making this event what it was! My throat is still a disaster, so I hope folks are feeling better than me. Here are a few of my favorites, in no order other than the first one: - Special shout-out to Ryan stepping in to help us run things on the Plot side! We couldn’t...
  20. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Death, Dispel, and High Magic

    I like to think of it this way: Dispel removes anything in the Effects section of the rulebook (barring its listed exceptions, like Enslavement, etc.), and since High Magic abilities aren't in that Effects section, they are not removed by Dispel.