Search results

  1. Mike Ventrella

    June event pre-registration

    A small group but with this PC to NPC ratio, it should be a great event!
  2. Mike Ventrella

    Pre-reg for June 29 event PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Mike Ventrella 3. Angel Belford 4. Cassidy Cording 5. Kyle Spriggle 6. Kris Kitts 7. Peter Tancredi 8. Lexx Raven Hollow + event membership 9. Paul Damore 10. Mitzie Gibson 11. Eric Gibson 12. Alex Steslow + $40 food donation 13. Michael...
  3. Mike Ventrella

    Food help!

    Thank you very much for everyone who helped with food this past event. We very much appreciated it!
  4. Mike Ventrella

    Food help!

    The food committee that pleased everyone so much last year in the Stormbreak events has a problem! David can't make it at the last minute, and Heidi just got out of the hospital and is still on antibiotics and should not be doing anything except recuperating. So basically it's just Cassidy...
  5. Mike Ventrella

    Regarding Drinks In Game

    I agree! We have cups. Simply get a cup from the tavern, pour your drink into it, and stick your OOG container into recycling.
  6. Mike Ventrella

    June event pre-registration PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Cassidy Cording 3. Frank Coyne 4. James Wright 5. Nicole 6. Craig Fiske 7. Gabriel Obermayer 8. Elissa Ward 9. Daniel Gelerman 10. Jordan Krebs + yearly membership 11. Damon Brundige 12. Michelle Stagnitta + $10 food donation 13...
  7. Mike Ventrella

    Work Weekend May 5 & 6

    We'll probably come up Saturday morning ... some will depend on Heidi's health. If she's doing better, we'll be there on Friday night. I really would appreciate any help we can get so Heidi doesn't end up doing half the work. She's currently going through a bit of a withdrawal from the doctor...
  8. Mike Ventrella

    Work Weekend May 5 & 6

    We'll be up at the site next weekend trying to get the Healers Guild painted and fixed up but there will be other projects as well. If you can make it up, please let us know you're coming!
  9. Mike Ventrella

    April event pre-registration

    I see it. Please remind me after this event and I'll list it! :)
  10. Mike Ventrella

    Pre-reg for May event PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Mike Ventrella 3. Kelly Allard 4. Dustin Crewell 5. Paul Boyle 6. Alex Steslow + event membership 7. Kyle Gutshall + event membership 8. Michael Steslow + event membership 9. William Mullally 10. Dalton DeMorrow 11. Todd Russell 12...
  11. Mike Ventrella

    April event pre-registration

    PC 1. Joe Siegel + yearly membership 2. Nicole Baynham + yearly membership 3. James Wright + yearly membership 4. Charles Fitzpatrick + yearly membership + $5 food donation 5. Kris Balch + event membership + $10 food donation 6. Kate Fierens + yearly membership 7. Linda Wrobel 8. Samara Martin...
  12. Mike Ventrella

    v0.10 First impressions

    I would be more than happy to take the rules, let me pick my own committee of people whose views match mine, and simplify the rules as the original idea was when we sent them off years ago to ARC. We all agree that needs to be done, right? But somewhere along the lines, that became only a side...
  13. Mike Ventrella

    Funny pictures

    I post all these things on my Facebook page "VentrelLaugh" now. Come join.
  14. Mike Ventrella

    2018 Schedule

    2018 SCHEDULE April 20 – 22: Ashbury May 18 – 20: Stormbreak June 8 – 10: Ashbury June 29 – July 1: Stormbreak July 27 – 29: Ashbury August 17 – 19: Stormbreak September 14 – 16: Steampunk October 12 – 14: Ashbury More details will be forthcoming!
  15. Mike Ventrella

    101 Pictures from the October event!
  16. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration

    Just get logistics to confirm it! :) Everyone, please don't take this personally, but it's important for logistics to update the database to delete the credits before I list you. They then tell me so I can place you on the list.
  17. Mike Ventrella


    We have more than enough beds at the site for the number of people who have pre-registered; However, the cabins and rooms were all reserved, and we always try to keep one cabin as the "commoner's" cabin for anyone who shows up without a place to stay. PLEASE everyone be kind to our fellow...
  18. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration

    I emailed Kyle to see what he wanted to do. You'll have a place, don't worry. :)
  19. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration

    I only received $10 payments from you for membership fees, so if there is a receipt out there for the event, please email me ASAP
  20. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration

    Unfortunately, that cabin has space for more people and is reserved for the "commoner's guild." See note at the top about cabin reservations.