Search results

  1. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration

    For anyone who has credit: Contact logistics so they can remove the credit from the database and then they will tell me and I will list you!
  2. Mike Ventrella

    October Ashbury event pre-registration PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Frank Coyne 3. Kyle Spriggle 4. Bill Gibbs 5. Meghan Kinkaid 6. James Wright + $5 food donation 7. Nicole Baynham + $5 food donation 8. Cassidy Cording 9. Elissa Ward 10. Michael Guarino 11. Joseph Siegel 12. Robert Stoel 13. John...
  3. Mike Ventrella

    Storm break season one closer favorites!!

    Gregor: "General, do you think this massive storm is a result of some ritual magic being done to the Cauldron?" General: "Ha ha! Well, Gregor, if it starts hailing, then we'll know for sure." (20 seconds later) Someone at the door to the tavern: "Hey, look! It's hailing!" ..... Later in...
  4. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for August event CLOSED

    OK but keep in mind that Gargoyle has the most beds, and there's only 4 of you. If we have players who need places to stay and can't find anywhere else, we ask that you let some stay in there with you.
  5. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for August event CLOSED

    Sadly, you can't leave it for a week because the electricity is turned off between events. If anyone drives by Stroudsburg on their way home, you can leave it with us. Otherwise, I am not sure what to recommend.
  6. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for August event CLOSED

    Sorry to hear that, but be sure to send an email to logistics to remind them as well.
  7. Mike Ventrella

    September Ashbury pre-reg PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Frank Coyne 3. Kyle Spriggle 5. James Wright + $5 food donation 6. Nicole Baynham + $5 food donation 7. Ken Swartz 8. Rob Kinlen 9. Cassidy Cording 10. Bill Gibbs 11. Elissa Ward 12. James Stimpfl 13. Jessica Cutter 14. Guest of Jessica...
  8. Mike Ventrella

    Submit a short story to the next Fortannis collection

    Hey. Now working on the 5th collection. Submit your story!
  9. Mike Ventrella

    Pictures from the July Ashbury event
  10. Mike Ventrella

    Kid's Event Pre-register

    1. Kenneth Swartz 2. Kenneth Swartz 3. Kelly Allard 4. Kathy Rosenblatt 5. Kathy Rosenblatt 6. Jevon Garrett 7. Jevon Garrett 8. Tyson Weise
  11. Mike Ventrella

    I'm on Cracked

    Hey, did you guys see me mentioned on Cracked this week? Guess my 15 minutes of fame have been extended.
  12. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for August event CLOSED

    Luther already requested a room; check with him and see what you guys prefer.
  13. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for August event CLOSED PC 1. Scott Kondrk 2. Dee Kondrk 3. Heidi Hooper 4. Mike Ventrella 5. Mike Luther 6. Kelly Allard 7. Dustin Crewell 8. Paul Boyle 9. Christopher Frueh 11. Eric Gibson 12. Mitzie Ladd-Gibson 13. Dustin Springer 14. Cassidy Cording 15. Ryan Kelsey + event...
  14. Mike Ventrella

    July Ashbury Pre-Reg PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Cassidy Cording 3. Frank Coyne + prelogisted 4. Kyle Spriggle + prelogisted 5. Cole Angelo + prelogisted 6. Keir Sayenga + prelogisted 7. Robert Stoel 8. James Wright + $10 food donation + prelogisted 9. Bill Gibbs 10. Nicole Baynham +...
  15. Mike Ventrella

    Food for June weekend

    The more food donations we get, the better food we can get
  16. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

    We can always use food donations. I understand the plan for this event, since it will be kind of hot, will be a picnic-like dinner (hot dogs, chicken, salad, cole slaw, potato salad, etc). Remember folks -- if you stayed at home and just ate what was in your refrigerator, you'd use up more...
  17. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

    OK since there are 6 people reserving a cabin with 6 beds, I went ahead and gave it to them, meaning a smaller cabin is for the Commoner's Cabin this time. Everyone: If you don't know where you're staying, please post something so if there is someone with extra room they may offer to take you in.
  18. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

    Yes, just tell logistics to give you credit and then when we start posting the signups for the next event, remind me.
  19. Mike Ventrella

    Pictures from the June event

    I was only there for part of Sunday, but there are few new pictures!
  20. Mike Ventrella

    June Ashbury event pre-reg

    Are you using ?